Joe Biden Brags About Debate Performance 6 Hours Before Debate Begins

There’s another democratic party debate Wednesday night and Joe Biden is certain he’s going to kill it. He’s so confident in his debate performance that he’s bragging about how much ass he kicked 6 hours before the debate even begins. He’s sucked in every other debate, so this is probably an attempt to get in front of the bad press and establish a win. Either that or Biden really believes he debated and did well.

Here’s a thing that shouldn’t have been sent out so soon:

“I’m leaving the fifth debate now. I hope I made you proud out there and I hope I made it clear to the world why our campaign is so important,” wrote Biden.

If he’s leaving the debate now, won’t he miss the actual debate? I don’t know if anyone can be proud of this, but he certainly made it clear to the world what a bonkers campaign he’s running.

Like I said, it’s a very real possibility that he thinks he already debated and did a bang-up job at that. If his people can wrangle him back to the stage, tonight’s debate will undoubtedly be the funniest thing ever shown on TV.

Every time a moderator asks Biden a question he’ll look at them like they are dense and say, “I already answered that question hours ago. Come on, man.”

“We need new leadership. We need to be ready on day one to get the country back and clean up Donald Trump’s mess,” wrote Biden.

Since Biden has no shot at even the democratic party nomination, he needs his delusion to kick in some more here. He thinks he won the debate before it happened so he should convince himself he won the 2020 election, did great job, and left office a hero. I’m sure his next fundraising e-mail will say, “I hope my presidency made you proud.”

As crazy as this is so far, this next bit may be the goofiest thing he wrote:

“We need the grit and resolve to get things done. We need to reach across the aisle and demand that our leaders do what’s right,” Biden wrote.

Stay with me on this one, Joe: If you are elected president, you would be the leader of the United States and yet you want to reach across the aisle and yell at the leaders about stuff.

What Biden is saying is that if he’s POTUS he wants to lead a bipartisan group to bitch himself out. That’s probably not something most voters would put at the top of their lists of concerns, but it would certainly be funny.

Biden’s handlers try to limit his public appearances because he always says something insanely stupid, but this is an e-mail. Presumably his campaign doesn’t let Joe send out messages without editing the hell out of them and yet this embarrassment was sent. Instead of being surrounded by “yes men” I think Biden’s inner circle is made up of people as cuckoo as him.

I wasn’t planning on watching the debate tonight, but after this I may tune in. Something tells me Crazy Joe Biden is going to top his previous bad debates with the mutha of all choke performances.