New PAC Backing Moslem Immigrant in Run for Presidency

Cenk Uygur—a leftist currently noted as not being directly attached to The Squad (which means he is attached to the squad, financially and as a mentor) but sharing a commitment to progressive ideals and political engagements—of the Young Turks, is leading a push for a moslem immigrant to run for president of the United States.

And if not Cenk Uygur in 2024, he is laying the groundwork for We the People to expect another moslem in a future election.

This from

Are Americans aware just how close we are to the end of freedom and liberty?

A sane country would have deported the obnoxious Turkish influencer who instead decided to run for president on a platform of attacking Israel during the Hamas war and insisting despite the Constitution, he should be allowed to be president.

To wit:

– Arkansas election officials on Monday said online news personality Cenk Uygur, who was born in Turkey, can’t appear on the state’s Democratic presidential primary ballot next year,

– The Constitution sets simple requirements for president: A candidate must be at least 35 years old and ‘a natural born citizen,’

– Several other states, including the early primary states of New Hampshire and Nevada, also have rejected his application to appear on their ballots, and

– Uygur said officials were treating naturalized citizens as ‘second-class.’ He has argued that the 14th Amendment of the Constitution makes him eligible to run for president.

Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston said in a letter to Uygur:

My office has received your candidate filing paperwork. However, based on your own proclamation, you are not qualified to hold the elected office for which you filed. Therefore, I cannot, in good faith, certify your name to the ballot.

Uygur said in a statement:

This is the last form of acceptable bigotry in American society and I’m going to fight it with every fiber of my being. I’m not going to accept that I don’t belong in my own country.

Uygur’s only presidential angle, apart from being constitutionally ineligible and widely hated, is trying to get on the Left of Cornel West on terrorism and Israel. But since his presidential campaign isn’t going anywhere, what about a PAC?

A newly formed progressive hybrid Political Action Committee (PAC) is looking to support [moslem] candidates and naturalized citizens who want to run for federal office.

The group, dubbed ‘Cavalry PAC,’ was filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) last Monday.

The group is headed by former Democratic Congressional candidate Kara Eastman and progressive media personality Cenk Uygur. It is set to launch on Tuesday, Eastman told The Hill.

The new PAC will continue the constitutional dogfight.

Eastman said:

We’re also going to continue the litigation that we started because the idea behind his [Uygur’s] campaign was fighting full equality for naturalized citizens, which we still believe the 14th Amendment grants.


We did not have the resources to be able to do that through the campaign, or the time really—that’s one of the main goals for this.

So we want to pay off the legal bills, but then, just as importantly, if not, more importantly, move it forward with the potential of even suing in other states.

Now, perhaps Cenk Uygur should use the BHO rationale concerning his own eligibility for rising to the office of president:

If Obama, a Kenyan by birth, can do it, why not Uygur?

And if America continues going the way of radical liberalism as it is, the possibilities of the impending nightmares of Sharia law may soon be staring We the People in the face.

Unless, of course, America wakes from its current somnambulic slumber and assumes a defensive posture.