What A Pandering Liberal Fool! Puppet Joe to NAACP: “DEI yesterday, DEI today, DEI forever”

Puppet Joe is speaking the words given to him by his handler—the Kenyan who has a black audience he is trying to keep from jumping to the GOP out of disgust for everything The Regime is doing to diminish America, while perhaps not fully realizing the demise of the nation is The Regime’s goal.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Speaking to the NAACP, a group which was last relevant around the same time as Joe Biden was making up lies about being a star athlete and a talented lawyer, Biden claimed that Republicans are racists because they’re ending racial discrimination.

Seriously, even though the words obviously do not make any sense, Puppet Joe actually said:

The Little Rock Nine were met with vitriol and violence. Today the vitriol comes in other insidious forms—an extreme movement led by my predecessor and his MAGA Republican allies, backed by an extreme Supreme Court that gutted affirmative action in college admissions.

My predecessor and his extreme MAGA friends are now going after diversity, equity, and inclusion all across America. They want a country for some—not for all.

NOTE: Affirmative action was “gutted” because it was racially discriminatory. It was built on keeping Asian and White students out of college.

And the Little Rock Nine were actually the Asians trying to get into Harvard.

By definition, ‘Wanting a country for some—not all’ is the embodiment of DEI and The Obama-Biden Regime’s DEI policies.

Biden promised to pick black women for VP and the Supreme Court—based not on merit, but on race and gender. Hence: Kamala is the masquerading VP and Ketanji is occupying a seat on The Supremes.

Further, Puppet Joe has handed out jobs across the federal government entirely based on race and gender dysphoria. A gathering of his appointed cabinet and staff looks more like a Star Wars bar scene than a cross spectrum of America. This does not even begin to look good; it is corrupt, racist, and dispiriting to anyone with any sense of dignity.

Plus, Puppet Joe was the racist fool shouting, “DEI yesterday, DEI today, DEI forever.” And he’s still the one shouting it.