‘Squad’ Member’s Dirty Laundry Tumbles Out—It’s a Bombshell Nobody Can Ignore—Except the DOJ

Members of the so-called “House Squad” have been too loud, too angry, too confrontational, and too dishonest for constructive civil discourse for too long.

Could their problematic behavior possibly be considered as treasonous? No doubt, their goal is to bring America to its knees.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

This group of progressive lawmakers is known for their far-left views. Often, they have been at odds with their own party, as they have pushed a Marxist agenda through Congress.

One member of the squad shocked We the American People in the aftermath of the October 7th attack on Israel when she sided with Israel’s enemies and even called out Joe the puppet for sending aid.

Now, it looks like her ties to the enemies of Israel run deeper than anyone realized.

She has been funding a group with close ties to some very bad people. And it looks like she wasn’t the only one.

From The Washington Examiner:

‘Squad’ Rep. Rashida Tlaib (C/G-MI) has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars since being elected to Congress to a consulting firm led by an anti-Israel activist working on behalf of groups linked to Palestinian terrorist factions, records show…

The Florida-based limited liability corporation is operated by Rasha Mubarak, a close ally of Tlaib’s who recently held key roles for terrorism-tied organizations in the United States…

Mubarak… once said she is tired of hearing the ‘lie’ that “’Israel has the right to defend herself’ against terrorism.

Tlaib has given $435,000 to a group that has worked for terror groups.

Since being elected to Congress, Tlaib has regularly sent funds to Unbought Power. This group is led by Rasha Mubarak, who has worked for groups connected to Hamas and other terrorist factions.

Mubarak herself has spread anti-Israel rhetoric worse than Tlaib.

She has even claimed that saying Israel has a right to defend itself is a ‘lie.’

Mubarak has coordinated operations for dangerous groups, sparking questions about what she has helped fund.

Why is a member of Congress allowed to send campaign donations to a group associated with terrorists?

It is against the law to provide “material aid” to terrorists. So how is Mubarak allowed to run a group that collaborates with terrorism?

Could it be the communist/globalist crime syndicate is siding with the very enemies of Israel and the United States?

If so, treasonous behavior, indeed. No doubt the DOJ will act upon this, right?