Trump Rocks Bronx with Historic Rally and the Left Panic

By design the communists/globalists have forced President Trump off the campaign trail to attend to a criminal trial in New York City.

But if the enemies of Liberty thought this would hurt Trump’s election chances, they could not have been more outsmarted.

This from

Trump has been campaigning in the very heart of the deep blue state. And it looked as if many New Yorkers have been excited to see and greet him.

So much so, that Trump decided to hold a rally in South Bronx. This largely black and Hispanic part of the city has been a Leftist stronghold for decades. Despite this, the former president held one of his iconic events. And it looks like New York came out in force.

From The Post Millennial:

Speaking on Thursday night in the Bronx’s Crotona Park, an area that last voted for a Republican presidential candidate in the 1980s, Trump addressed how Biden’s policies have affected the predominantly black and Hispanic borough and vowed to bring the city back to greatness.

Trump declared that he was going to ‘turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly.’ The crowd went wild…

The crowd, many of which had been in the area awaiting Trump’s speech for hours, frequently broke out into chants of ‘USA’ and ‘We Love Trump.’

Trump railed against the Left, including Joe Biden, for hurting the iconic city. He lamented how leftist policies have hurt New York, especially the hard-working citizens of the city. And he vowed to make New York “great again,” along with the rest of America.

The crowd was raucous. Some claim as many as 25,000 people attended the event—defying expectations. Communists/Globalists like New York congresswoman AOC claimed that the Trump camp’s numbers were false. Then, she claimed most of the people were from out of town.

AOC was so far off the mark about the Trump

enthusiasm in the Bronx,

the people were quick to tell her what they think. 

Videos and photos seem to suggest the crowd was huge. And while many may have come from out of town, a large number of those attending revealed they were Bronx natives.

Even CNN had to admit this was a sight to behold.

CNN National Correspondent Kristen Holmes said:

Well, certainly, a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country.

From Breitbart:

After stating that there are often people at Trump rallies who aren’t from the area the rally is held and traveled long distances to attend the rally, at this event ‘there were a lot of people here that were actually from the Bronx.’

Anyone who knows what We the People think about what is being done to destroy our beloved country would doubt President Trump could hold a huge rally in New York.

The size of this enthusiastic crowd, regardless of the final number, was staggering. In the bluest city in America, Trump brought out thousands of excited supporters.

Biden may not know what is happening but everyone else who participated in the failed coup d’etat are scared sh*tless right now. And rightfully so!