Political Crime Is All That Matters to a Broken DOJ

If allowed to continue unabated, Attorney General Merrick Garland and his upside-down Department of In-Justice will prove to be the tools that engulf this nation in flames of civil war.

This from frontpagemag.com.

On Wednesday, three teens were arrested for riding e-scooters over an LGBTQ ‘Pride’ mural painted on a crosswalk in Spokane, Washington. One of the teens was charged with a first-degree felony and bail was set at $15,000.

On Saturday, in another Washington thousands of miles away, Hamas supporters rioted near the White House. They threw bottles at a park ranger and vandalized national monuments with graffiti reading “Death to America.” Islamic terrorist supporters waved banners and held up signs in support of Hamas. One man in a Hamas headband brandished a bloody Biden mask.

Two Park Police officers were injured in the pro-Hamas violence, but not one arrest was made.

Not a single arrest for the assault on a federal employee (1-20 years in prison), the vandalism of national monuments (10 years in prison) or the support for a terrorist organization (20 years in prison). If only they had done some donuts on a ’Pride’ mural, they might be in jail now.

But as we already learned during the BLM riots and the subsequent eco-riots and Hamas riots, vandalism and even assaulting law enforcement officers is not a crime when done by the Left for Left reasons.

Even assaulting Capitol police officers, which up until now has been the only assault on a law enforcement officer that Leftists would condemn, became a victimless crime when Hamas supporters fought police outside Democrat headquarters forcing the evacuation of members of Congress. One of the men slammed a female police officer against a garage door and punched her in the face only to get 48 hours of community service.

Similarly after weeks of antisemitic violence at UCLA, the only serious arrest made was of Edan On, a Jewish high school student, who had been fighting to protect Jewish students after the university allowed Hamas supporters to occupy part of its grounds. Multiple Jewish students and community members had been attacked while campus cops and the LAPD refused to intervene.

CNN however ran a profile “unmasking” the Jewish protesters with a view to getting them arrested rather than any of the Hamas supporters attacking Jews on campus. The 18-year-old’s name now appears as a headline at USA Today, not a single Hamas supporter does.

The pattern is everywhere from BLM to J6, from Trump’s arrests to Biden’s pass. Prosecutorial discretion allows the full weight of the law to be brought against political opponents while political supporters will likely not even be arrested.

Crimes are not defined by laws, but by ideology.

The evolving shadow legal doctrine that ties it all together is that actual actions, like vandalism or assault, do not matter, but what does matter is their positive or negative political value. A skid mark on a BLM or Pride mural is an act of hate while vandalizing a statue or memorial for BLM or Islamic terrorists is an act of social justice.

A protester punching a Capitol police officer has a negative social impact if he is doing it to support Trump, but a positive social impact if he is doing it to support Hamas. And Hamas supporters attacking Jews are fighting for justice while Jews fighting back against them are oppressive Zionist warmongers who must be stopped.

Ordinary people, like the teens in Spokane, lack the ideological grounding and unexpectedly discover that what in other circumstances was a minor prank is now suddenly a major crime even while they and their parents watch much more horrific crimes being praised on TV.

Political segregation effectively means that half the country no longer enjoys civil rights in places like Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and New York City. Attacks on them go unpunished while any offense by them, even in self-defense, will mean the harshest possible prison sentences.

Abuses of power that harken back to the worst days of the early Civil Rights era have become routine. Law enforcement knows whom to arrest and whom not to bother arresting. Cops only intervene when the leftist violence is severe enough that it will reflect badly on them. Faced with individual assaults, they rarely bother intervening, collecting evidence or upholding the law. Even when the assaults lead to serious injury, or as in the case of Paul Kessler, a Jewish man assaulted by a terrorist supporter during a pro-Israel rally in California, death.

In the last 5 years, crime has come to be defined as a political and social offense, an act of hate, a threat to democracy, and an insult to the values and views of the ruling elite.

America’s justice system has been replaced by kangaroo courts and a banana republic system that selectively arrests, prosecutes, and convicts political opponents for opposing The Regime.

One way or another, this two-tiered system of in-justice will not last. We the People will see the In-Justice System fixed before or as a result of the Civil War, however, the system WILL BE fixed. This is not a threat, it is a hope and a prayer that AG Merrick Garland is removed soonest.