CNN’s Debate Moderators Exposed—Here’s Their Dirty Secret and How Trump Will Beat Them

Steering through media bias is like navigating a stormy sea: you never know when the next wave of misinformation will hit.

Since Trump descended the escalator in 2015, he has faced relentless media attacks.

This from

Republican candidates have been consistently treated unfairly, but they have taken it to a whole new level with The Donald.

Trump has always been in the media’s crosshairs, and the upcoming debate this Thursday night will be no different. CNN’s decision to have Jake Tapper and Dana Bash co-host the debates has raised many alarm bells. Both of them have a stunning history of showing open bias against Trump.

Every step of Trump’s journey has been scrutinized and twisted by liberal journalists. But Tapper and Bash could go too far by affecting the outcome of the 2024 election.

The selection of these two no doubt involved tactical and strategic planning by the communist/globalist crime syndicate and their colluding mass propaganda media.

From Breitbart:

Tapper and Bash’s bias is significant because they could use their positions to produce an unfair debate in which Trump might have to contend with them while also debating Joe Biden.

Businessman David Sacks posted on X:

Trump’s real debate opponent on Thursday will be CNN.

Donald Trump Jr. sarcastically mocked:

I’m sure the CNN debate will be fair and unbiased based on all of CNN’s actions for the last 8 years!

This is not the first time the media has shown bias in presidential debates. The incident between Crowley and Romney in 2012 is a glaring example. Crowley intervened in a discussion about the Benghazi attack, siding with Obama and contradicting Romney, which was later proven wrong.

CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash have repeatedly shown their bias against Trump through various actions and statements.


For instance, Tapper once called Trump a ‘demagogue’ during his coverage, showing a clear disdain for the former president. Additionally, Tapper’s interviews often portrayed Trump in a negative light, focusing heavily on controversies and scandals.


Dana Bash has also made her biases evident. She questioned the legitimacy of Trump’s presidency by frequently bringing up the Russian interference narrative. Furthermore, Bash has been critical of Trump’s policies, often framing them as harmful and misguided.

These examples highlight the concerns about their ability to moderate a debate fairly.

Certainly, the history of these two bashing Trump raises concerns about their ability to moderate the debate fairly. But for the Left, this is not a matter of eliminating bias; this is a matter of striving to ensure the playing field is not level. Every disadvantage must be afforded the Orange Man Bad.

When debate moderators show clear bias, it undermines the democratic process. Viewers rely on debates to see candidates in an unbiased light. If moderators are not impartial, it skews the perception of the candidates, affecting voters’ decisions.

But bias be damned, the democrat process—according to any communist/globalist—is at risk of being lost. For them “the democrat process” means democrats being in control.

Thus, drastic times call for drastic measures. As the Leftist crime syndicate sees this, Trump must lose or they will—each and every one—be indicted and prosecuted for crimes to include Treason, Misprision of Treason (neglect or wrong performance of official duty), Rebellion or Insurrection, Seditious Conspiracy, Advocating Overthrow of Government, and Crimes Against Humanity.

However, fear not fellow Patriots. President Trump and his team are well aware of the biases they face. They are preparing for a debate where the moderators will most certainly act improperly against him. Instead, the Trump Team expects Biden to be lobbed softballs while hammering Trump with biased “fact-checks.”

This preparation [will be] crucial to counter any [accusation of] bias and present their case to the American people.

Trump has a knack for turning such biases into opportunities.

By highlighting the unfair treatment, he rallies his base and exposes media hypocrisy. This strategy has worked for him in the past and will likely be a key part of his debate preparation.

Again, the bias of media personalities like Tapper and Bash is part of a larger issue. This is not merely about Trump; this is about ensuring the democrat party (communist/globalist crime syndicate) maintains their tyrannical control.

And for Conservatism and MAGA, vanquishing the Deep State is the only suitable option.