Presidential Debate: Recommended Trump Advice Revealed—A Collection of Sure-Fire Knock-Out Blows

If you were Trump’s coach for this evening’s debate, what would be your advice? BINGO! Exactly!

The most memorable way for him to proceed would be to attack not Biden’s obvious weaknesses—immigration, inflation, energy, the economy, and Afghanistan—but his perceived strength, namely his imagined role as a defender of democracy.

This from

Trump’s goal here is to awaken the politically indifferent—those millions who have taken Biden at his word. And a “good place to start is by reminding viewers of what Biden said at their last debate in October 2020, ideally word for word:”

Look, there are fifty former National Intelligence folks who said that what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plan.

They have said that this has all the characteristics—four—five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage.

Biden here was talking about his son Hunter’s laptop, the one that revealed the family’s shady deals with bad actors across the globe. And this is just the start. The following item-by-item recall will nearly fill the ninety minutes.

Rather than speaking in general terms, Trump might do what Dan Bongino has recommended:

[P]roduce a replica of the actual $40,000 check ‘the big guy’ received as his 10 percent share in a shady money laundering scheme that originated in communist China.

Fortunately for Trump, the FBI authenticated the laptop during Hunter’s gun trial. Biden, of course, knew all along the laptop was Hunter’s. He knew the New York Post’s story about the laptop was anything but “garbage.”

Trump needs to drive this point home.

Trump should also remind viewers why Biden lied: the truth would have cost him the election.

Analysts estimate that between 4 and 15 percent of his voters would have voted otherwise had they known the laptop story was true.

A lie this big required a big cover up, too.

Trump [must remind] the viewers, Biden apparatchiks strong armed the social media companies into de-amplifying the laptop story or blocking it altogether.

This censorship wasn’t about saving democracy. It was about saving Biden’s candidacy.

And Big Media played along. Biden knew they would. They had spent much of the prior four years peddling the most outrageous dirty trick in political history:

Hillary’s Russia collusion hoax.

The media used to expose corrupt deep state actors, Trump [should remind] the audience while staring at his CNN hosts.

Now they give them exposure to smear their enemies.

Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken set the laptop coverup in motion. Not many people know this.

It is Trump’s job to tell them how Blinken and cronies recruited 51 ‘intelligence folks’—here Trump [can use] air quotes—to sign on to this lie.

There is a word for using the CIA and FBI to unseat a sitting president, Trump must inform the audience.

It’s called a coup d’etat

At this point, Trump can pivot to January 6. He has to make this issue his own. Half of America—he must tell the viewers, saw the coup for what it was.

A million or so of them showed up on January 6, 2021, to protest the election that Biden and his 51 co-conspirators clearly rigged.

Four people died that day, all of them Trump supporters, three by police action.

This will come as news to the viewers, Republicans included. Here Trump can get graphic.

One woman was beaten over the head while she lay dying.

Another woman was shot and killed without warning.

A third woman, who survived, suffered the worst police beating captured on video since Rodney King.

At this point, Trump must challenge Biden and the CNN hosts to check his facts. They won’t know where to begin. Next, he must move in for the kill.

To compensate, he [must say] emphatically, Biden’s people had to create martyrs of their own.

So when officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes on January 7, Biden’s accomplices told the media that protestors killed Sicknick with a fire extinguisher on January 6.

To sell the lie the Biden people committed an unparalleled act of civic blasphemy. They had officer Sicknick’s remains placed on display in the Capitol rotunda as though he were JFK.

Sicknick’s “murder,” Trump must explain, cowed Republicans into silence.

To keep them cowed, Biden’s co-conspirators sat on the autopsy report for more than 100 days until forced out by a Judicial Watch lawsuit.

This, Trump must insist, was the most ghoulish hoax in American political history.

Biden had a dead man murdered.

And Biden was not even close to being finished. Trump must provide the painful truth:

[Biden’s] DOJ started rounding up American citizens in the thousands, the great majority of whom did nothing worse than walk in an open door of the People’s House and take selfies.

This was the greatest mass injustice against American citizens since Japanese internment, and it was put in motion by a man who claims to be protecting democracy.

When people began to see through all this mischief, Biden and his henchmen took the one final step needed to turn America into a banana republic.

They had their leading political opponent arrested and convicted.

At this point, Trump must challenge Biden to explain what exactly he was convicted of. Biden will not be able to begin to answer.

Next Trump must turn to the moderators and ask them:

[H]ow many political opponents [Biden] had locked up, how many peaceful protestors his DOJ had imprisoned, how many social media platforms he had shut down, how [many] people he had fired for refusing unproven vaccines or speaking out at school board meetings or using the wrong pronouns.

And finally, Trump must exclaim that ‘God works in mysterious ways.’ He can close by summing up:

Biden’s plan to save democracy was in actuality a plan to save the democrat crime syndicate from its self-inflicted mortal wound.

Contrarily, however, Biden’s plan has enabled the American people, ordinary citizens to see what fascism looks like here in our own beloved country.

If President Trump succeeds in driving this point home, game over.