Oklahoma Issues Bold New Mandate—Schools Must Now Teach This One Subject

For decades, leftists have wielded their power from influential elected and bureaucratic offices to force a cultural change on the American people.

This elitist conclave of radicals, which is a minority in the population, decided they were smarter and better than the average person.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

Ideologies counter to American values have been woven into government rules and throughout the education system from the federal level down to the local school board.

Parents and students, whom these elitists pledged to represent, had no way to challenge the unwanted changes to the education system.

American ideals have been undermined for far too long, according to Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters. He has had enough, and now he’s using his position of authority to attempt a return to American ideals in public school classrooms.

From Blaze Media:

Walters has issued a memo declaring that state schools must ‘incorporate the Bible … as an instructional support into the curriculum.’

The Bible is one of the most historically significant books and a cornerstone of Western civilization, along with the Ten Commandments.

They will be referenced as an appropriate study of history, civilization, ethics, comparative religion, or the like, as well as for their substantial influence on our nation’s founders and the foundational principles of our Constitution.

The memorandum from Walters to Oklahoma superintendents states:

Effective immediately, all Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible, which includes the Ten Commandments, as an instructional support into the curriculum across specified grade levels, e.g., grades 5 through 12.

This directive is in alignment with the educational standards approved on or about May 2019, with which all districts must comply.

Walters made it clear that teaching the history of the Bible as it relates to American history is a crucial step in ensuring young people understand the core values and historical context of the nation.

He also said that others may challenge his directive, but children need to learn that the Bible and the Ten Commandments are foundational to western civilization.

He explained:

The left is upset, but one cannot rewrite history.

Radical leftists who constantly work to transform the United States into a culture never envisioned by the founding fathers or most of the country today are already initiating plans to file legal challenges to the Oklahoma teaching directive.

Challenges will not stop the sentiment of the American people who hold to the Bible and the Constitution.

[M]any conservatives quickly supported Walters’ actions.

John Daniel Davidson responded:

It’s absurd that the Bible ever stopped being taught in schools. If you don’t know what the Bible says, its history and teachings, you won’t be able to understand Shakespeare, the American Founding, or anything else about western civilization. You’ll just be ignorant.

President Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee, previously praised Walters in a post on Truth Social for his efforts to challenge woke ideology in schools.

Trump declared in the recent post:

Great job by Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters… Strong, decisive, and knows his ‘stuff.’ I LOVE OKLAHOMA!

It’s about time someone stood up for traditional values and the core principles that built this nation. Walters’ move to reintroduce the Bible in schools is a significant step in preserving our history and culture.

Final thought: A great lead for the remaining forty-nine states.