But for Trump, The Fix Has Long Been In—We the People Have Had Nearly Zero Say in Who Will Lead Our Nation

The 2016 presidential election was going to be Jeb Bush against Hillary Clinton, whose ‘turns’ had come.

Then Donald J. Trump rode down an escalator, took their ‘turn’ and the establishment has never been the same.

This from frontpagemag.com.

In 2020, it was the ‘turn’ of Joe Biden, a morally corrupt man whose only political credentials were that he had been in the system too long and he had his fingerprints in a lot of places his fingers should not have been.

Now in 2024, it’s no longer Joe Biden’s ‘turn’ but The Regime is stuck on stupid.

Biden’s debate meltdown has terrified the communist/globalist crime syndicate, but they are without a sound strategy and tactically they are in quicksand.

They are stuck on the question, ‘How do we take away Biden’s turn?’ And to paraphrase the title of a 1991 movie, “What about Joe?”

Rules, tradition, and stupidity aside, this is not exclusively a Leftist problem.

The GOP put up Bob Dole against Bill Clinton and John McCain against Barack Obama because it was their ‘turns’. They let Mitt Romney go up against Obama a second time because it was his ‘turn’.

And after Republicans lost two straight presidential elections because they ran establishment candidates taking their ‘turn’, voters were so sick of the insanity they performed the unimaginable—they pulled their collective craniums out of their collective anal orifices and sensibly selected Donald J. Trump.

[However,] ‘Turn’ politics mostly still rules. Candidates past their prime go up to bat because they have the biggest networks of fellow politicians, donors, and party activists. It’s as if Major League Baseball favored players on the basis of seniority and how well they networked, not based on how well they can pitch or hit.

But unlike sports, politics isn’t a meritocracy, it isn’t even a democracy, it’s an oligarchy.

Voters self-importantly think of elections as the big political competition… Elections are the least important part of politics. All the really important parts of politics happen behind closed doors. What politicians do isn’t run for office, they network, they cut deals, and they plan their careers.

This is the “establishment,” the “D.C. insiders” to whom the blame of a Biden candidacy belongs. But what We the People want to better understand—because we think we already know—who the hell is running our beloved country?

People who naively think that Obama is secretly running the [Obiden Regime] don’t understand the network or how it works. Obama took on Hillary when it was her ‘turn’ in 2008. He won and brokered a deal that moved the Democrat network further leftward. And he did the same thing again in 2020, bringing in Bernie’s people and Elizabeth Warren’s people (and his own people) so that [The resultant Regime] is even more radical and extreme than his was.

Obama came out of that network of radical activists, donors, and government personnel which now is running the country.

Obama is not a brilliant genius or a one-man dynamo, he was a lazy and unoriginal activist lawyer, one of tens of thousands of Ivy Leaguers who join the political side of the network, who wanted to live out his egotistical ambitions.

And the leftist networks gave him the opportunity “to do it in exchange for seeding it deeper across the communist/globalist crime syndicate, the government, and the country.”

That was when his turn came and since then Obama has not wanted Biden to succeed him.

He pushed Biden out in favor of Hillary and then tried to bring in a surprise candidate to run against him in 2020. But some things are sacred and not even Obama, especially once out of the White House, could take away Biden’s ‘turn’ twice.

In all practicality, Biden’s ‘turn’ is over. His dementia cut his turn short.

[Now is] the turn of the strategists, lobbyists, staffers, donors, allies, and more nebulous figures known as ‘friends’ whom he accrued over the years. They’re invested in his success and they’re profiting from it. And they won’t easily give it up.

So, again, who the hell is running our beloved country?

In short, the unelected entourage of ‘friends and family’ much like the advertised cell phone package plan. It’s the same damn cabal who run most of the government. And have all along.

And replacing Biden with another candidate would upend much of D.C., put tens of billions of dollars in flux, and create massive instability in this corrupt local economy.

Much of D.C. would rather ride it out (especially since the campaign people will make just as much money if Biden loses) and preserve the integrity of the networks and the illicit pinkie swears that allow special interests to buy influence without having to worry if their man will suddenly be swapped out.

And this is exactly why the communist/globalist crime syndicate cannot solve their Biden problem. “The issue is not one man’s decline but a systemic crisis.” Biden embodies what the Uni-party system really is.

[A]nd while getting him out may fix the

immediate problem, it won’t fix the system.

What we have here is not a meritocracy that elevates the very best, nor a Constitutional Democratic Republic with candidates chosen by the people, rather We the People are saddled with “an oligarchy that runs the system and is also the system.”

‘What about Joe?’ is a test of how much the system is willing to risk. Will the Left allow their crime syndicate to go down to protect the system? Will they go on lying to their voters and their donors? Will the media, which briefly broke away from the lies after the debate, resume going along with the scam?

Whether each of these questions are to be answered, ‘No’ may be determined by the return of President Trump with a MAGA Congress—both Houses—and an uncompromised Supreme Court.

God speed to Conservatism and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.