To End the Moslem Invasion and to Make the Netherlands Dutch Again: Geert Wilders’ New Right-Wing Government Is Sworn In

The mass invasion of Europe is about to bring down the curtain on thousands of years of history.

The hour is late. And the enemy is in the streets of the greatest cities of Europe.

This in part from

The new Dutch right-wing cabinet was sworn in July 2, 2024.

In the Netherlands, challenges to migration policies have been relatively slow in coming. Like a breath of fresh air, however, Geert Wilders and his PVV party (Party of Freedom—Right Wing) has finally been sworn in.

Despite repeated victories by Geert Wilders and his PVV party, the political establishment in the Netherlands and the EU did everything possible to block him from actually taking office, despite the massive PVV victory in the last election.

Wilders’ PVV is the largest party in the new governing coalition, which includes a mix of good and bad parties.

Wilders wrote:

We are making history today!

Over half a year was required to negotiate the right-wing coalition after Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party won the largest share of the vote in November. The RINO People’s Party refused to accept Wilders as Prime Minister, so Wilders stepped back for the sake of his country and tapped independent Dick Schoof, a former Dutch chief spook, to lead the government.

A bit of history: In September 1991, in the aftermath of the Rushdie Affair and the first Islamic scarf controversy in France, Frits Bolkesteijn, the leader of the liberal-conservative governmental party VVD at the time, launched a debate in the Netherlands about the integration of moslem immigrants “from Morocco and from Turkey, by contrasting cultural relativism and Islamic practices with the universal superiority of three liberal principles: separation of church and state, freedom of expression, and non-discrimination, notably vis-à-vis women.”

Bolkesteijn predicted:

Our relations with these new immigrants from a different culture will feature very high on the list of political priorities in the years to come.

Dutch post-electoral surveys (from 1994 onward) consistently showed “a majority of the population preferred that immigrants assimilate rather than retain their own culture.” Contrarily, however, the moslem immigrants have refused to assimilate and, worse yet, the Islamic culture has begun to overtake the historical Christian culture of the Netherlands.

Geert Wilders has been under police protection since a crazed Islamist slaughtered Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, great-grandson of the brother of painter Vincent van Gogh, on his bicycle in Amsterdam in 2004. The killer pinned a note to van Gogh’s body with a knife, threatening Wilders and fellow Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Ayaan Hirsi Ali eventually left the Netherlands for the United States.

When Geert Wilders explained his “Plan for the Netherlands” in the build-up to the Dutch general election of 2017, he declared:

[T]he biggest problem in this country is Islamization.

Wilders explained:

This process constitutes an existential threat to our identity, our freedom. Who we are.

Geert Wilders Dutch anti-Islam populist PVV leader.

Now, seven months after the election, PVV may finally be able to do what Dutch voters have repeatedly authorized it to do, reduce the mass Islamic invasion of the Netherlands which no dikes have been able to hold back.

Migration is at the heart of the crisis in America and Europe.

Ever since the “Dutch Golden age”—spanning roughly the seventeenth century—the Netherlands has been an attractive place for migrants. During this period, many sought shelter in the relatively tolerant and prosperous republic for politico or economic reasons. Those who sought religious freedom in seventeenth century America, first sought religious freedom from England in the Netherlands.

In the 21st century, Dutch hardliners

seek to reduce if not end immigration.

Far right leader Geert Wilders, the clear winner of last year’s general election, will not be part of the government himself, but his shadow will loom large as he continues to lead his Freedom Party from parliament.

Wilders—who was convicted for discrimination after he insulted Moroccans at a campaign rally in 2014—only managed to strike a coalition deal with three other conservative parties in May after he gave up his bid to become prime minister.

Wilders has selected hardliners from his party to represent him in cabinet, including several who in the past have claimed that the government was actively working on replacing the Dutch population with immigrants.

The incoming government will have to stick to the agreement reached by the four parties, which aims for a clampdown on immigration and exceptions on EU asylum and environmental rules.

The cabinet will be led by the independent and unelected Dick Schoof, a career bureaucrat who has led the Dutch intelligence agency AIVD and was the senior official at the ministry of justice.

The PVV is the last hope of the Netherlands.

Final thoughts: Americans not caring about Europe is analogous to not caring about our next-door neighbor’s house being aflame on a windy day.

Several countries of Western Europe are nearly lost to Islam, some are paralyzed by liberalism, and some are striving to ward off the moslem invasion. America and all of the Western Hemisphere will be next.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Only Conservatism—immediately—can save us. God speed to Conservatism.