The Dissenting Opinion of We the People: To the Liberal Members of The Supremes, End the Destructive, Demonstrative, and Inciteful Dissents

The Supreme Court has sided with President Trump in his presidential immunity case.

Monday’s decision itself was incredibly tame—typical for those authored by Chief Justice John Roberts. However, the response from the liberal justices was anything but.

Chief Justice Roberts wrote for the majority:

The nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority.

And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.

This means that President Trump cannot be prosecuted for his discussions with Justice Department officials about investigating purported election fraud following the 2020 election.

Other examples highlighted during oral arguments in April were President Barack Hussein Obama potentially being “charged with murder for killing U.S. citizens abroad by drone strike,” as well as President George W. Bush “for obstructing an official proceeding or allegedly lying to Congress to induce war in Iraq.”

NOTE: The above translates as Trump having been granted everything he needs:

– To avoid the incessive arbitrary and capricious prosecutorial shenanigans of the Left, and

– To proceed with the necessary indictments and prosecutions of all those involved in treason, misprision of treason, sedition, and/or crimes against humanity.

Without such immunity, Roberts wrote:

[T]he President would be chilled from taking the ‘bold and unhesitating action’ required of an independent Executive.

While Trump called the decision a “big win” in a Truth Social post, the chief justice clarified that:

Trump asserts a far broader immunity

than the limited one the Court recognizes.

NOTE: What the decision does not provide Trump immunity from is “unofficial acts,” those not required in order to execute his role as president or not covered by the powers afforded to the chief executive.

According to certain legal experts:

[T]his would include Trump’s recent felony indictment concerning falsified business records in the lead-up to the 2016 election.

REPEAT: This translates as Trump having been granted everything he needs.

However, as the liberal justices are wont to do, they have cast this decision as “another doomsday event for our country.”

In dissent to the above-noted decision, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote:

The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world.

When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.

The wise Latina again has failed to account for the obvious.

Even if Sotomayor’s reading were to be accurate, impeachment remains the vehicle through which We the People hold our leaders in check.

While Justice Roberts specifies that impeachment and removal from office are not always required for criminal prosecution of a former president, it is how egregious actions can still be handled.

As a result of this decision, impeachment becomes the simplest, though not the only, way to hold the president accountable.

With grave concern for our democracy, We the People beg the courts’ left-wing justices:

[S]top feeding the fire of America’s Left—only 24% of whom have a favorable view of the Supreme Court. The disingenuous musings from the court’s liberal minority are not helping to establish trust.


By writing these ludicrous and out-of-touch dissents, they are only further politicizing the very institution they remain a part of, accelerating our country’s decline from a position tasked with preserving stability.

Yes, conservative justices have often written hard-lined, combative opinions as well, but rarely do they catastrophize the opposing outcome quite like the liberal wing does.

The deterioration of the executive branch into a race to the bottom once again rears its ugly head in the judiciary, a theme we should be prepared for to continue into the future.

The Supremes must strive for balance and moderation with their writings, whatever their decisions may be. That is unless their goal is to incite the people to violently bring about an opposing outcome.

With this seriousness in mind, Justices of the Supreme Court should carefully understand their responsibility not to diminish the stature of the High Court nor to dangerously incite the populace with the words they use in their dissenting opinions.

What the Justices should be writing is merely

an opinion for Christ’s sake, not a call to arms.

Final thoughts: We the People have no one to blame but ourselves. Elections have consequences; stolen elections that require three-plus years for us to make right have dire consequences.

God speed to Conservatism. And may there one day be retribution sufficient to instill lasting deterrence. An American coup d’etat must not occur for at least another 240 years.