Dull Topic, Yes, But Beware the Left Will Never Let Go of Vance’s ‘Weird Views on Gender’ Because False as Their Attack Is, That’s ALL They Have

Fresh on the heels of Politico’s fear-mongering article warning about the ominous Christian influence of Lord of the Rings genius JRR Tolkien on Trump VP pick JD Vance, the outlet now devotes space to a profile of Vance’s “weird views on gender.”

This from frontpagemag.com.

But by “weird,” Politico means “normal”—the traditional, biologically based understanding of sex and family that has held for all but the last few years of human history.

In an opinion piece titled, JD Vance Has a Bunch of Weird Views on Gender, Politico’s Laura K. Field begins by calling Vance:

[A] rabid participant in the culture wars.

And for the “rabid” Left, these words are a dog whistle:

Vance threatens the cultural hegemony the Left spent over half a century establishing precisely because the culture is where the real ideological war is waged and won.

Contrarily, Ron DeSantis has said:

Conservative politicians like Vance who understand [the Left’s attempts at establishing a cultural hegemony] and are willing to get in the trenches of that fight, terrify the Left.

Politico’s Field then takes exception to a comment Vance made in 2021 to then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that:

We are effectively run in the country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.

Vance named Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as examples.

And was he wrong about that characterization? No.

Leftists are anti-family Karens driven by a deep hatred of the bourgeois values of their political opponents: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing brings them greater satisfaction than to impose their own miserable worldview on others by curtailing those values.

Field continued to describe Vance “and the rest of the New Right” as sharing:

[A] deep skepticism about modern feminism and gender equality [and an overt] chauvinism that seeks to roll back much of feminism’s gains.

Well, bravo for Vance and We the American People:

[B]ecause modern feminism and gender ideology are the tip of the spear of the cultural Marxist subversion of Western civilization.

What Field and Politico laughably call ‘feminism’s gains’ have been disastrous for America (more on that below); we can’t roll them back fast enough.

The article does concede that Vance, a father of three whose wife is an Indian legal immigrant, “appears to be a decent family man—someone who supports traditional conservative values.”

But the publication claims:

[Vance’s] thoughts on women and gender reveal some unusual opinions that lie outside the American mainstream [including opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage].

These once-mainstream-views may be minority positions now, due to the degrading influence of the Left and the moral weakness of the Republican Party, but they were not “unusual” until very recently.

NOTE: Barack Hussein Obama only slightly came out of the closet to publicly embrace same-sex marriage when polls determined such liberal impropriety would be useful for his re-election campaign.

Field went on to try in vain to damn Vance by association with “postliberal,” “New Right” figures and institutions she finds very ominous, like Regime Change author Patrick Deneen or the Claremont Institute.

She cited a 2021 speech of his for Claremont’s Center for the American Way of Life in which Vance stated:

I think that we should fight for the right of every American to live a good life in the country they call their own, to raise a family and dignity on a single middle-class job.

Every single word of that normal goal is

like a stake through radical leftist hearts.

Then Field tried to connect Vance to the “musings of far-right extremists” like former American Enterprise Institute president Chris DeMuth, who opened a National Conservatism conference earlier this month by declaring:

A revival of faith, family, and fertility are

not far right; they are the new mainstream!

The fact that Politico finds faith, family, and fertility to be threatening, ‘far-right’ values speaks volumes about the Left, none of it good.

Field also cites a 2022 Vanity Fair interview in which Vance said his vision for the country:

[W]ill mean that my son grows up in a world where his masculinity—his support of his family and his community, his love of his community—is more important than whether it works for…McKinsey.

The Left bears a visceral hatred of traditional masculinity, so of course Field finds the thought of an America in which masculinity is valued repugnant.

In addition to Politico, MSNBC predictably smeared Vance (and by extension, all normals) as holding “a host of bizarre, ultraconservative views on gender.” Of course, they’re not bizarre or ultraconservative at all; they’re normal.

Politico concluded by warning Trump supporters that his VP choice is going to be a barrier to picking up more women voters:

While Trump’s sexism has manifested as a crude machismo, Vance, along with his New Right fellow-travelers, is about to introduce voters to a more conceptual take on sexism—one which many women, and indeed many men, might find even more alarming.

Final thought: Au contraire, Politico. Welcome back normal thought and behavior, and good riddance to the warped influence of the queer Kenyan.