SF School Board President Nixes Pledge Of Allegiance

Like all leftist middle fingers to America, this afront originates in San Francisco. Building on former SF 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick’s kneeling during the National Anthem, the new SF school board president has done away with the Pledge of Allegiance. Why? Because of Trump. Duh. This lefty activist says the President is dividing the nation and so his response is to get rid of the Pledge of Allegiance. I guess that makes about as much sense as NFL players crapping on the flag to protest police brutality, and that is to say it makes no sense.

The SF Chronicle reports:

For the first time in memory, the San Francisco school board bypassed the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of its meeting Tuesday night, a purposeful omission by the board’s new president.

Stevon Cook, presiding over his first meeting, said he had been mulling over the idea of replacing the recitation of the pledge after he was elected…

State education code requires schools to conduct a daily patriotic exercise…

In San Francisco, the Pledge of Allegiance has for decades been the first order of business at school board meetings after roll call, although it hasn’t officially appeared on the agenda.

So what did he do instead of the Pledge of Allegiance? Wait for it…

He told only a few board members prior to Tuesday’s meeting, and instead of asking people to stand and recite the pledge, he read a quote from poet Maya Angelou: “When you learn, teach. When you get, give.”

And what Cook got was opportunity from the greatest country in the world and what he taught was that he doesn’t care and hates America.

“There are a lot of ways to express gratitude and appreciation for the country and its citizens. This is how I plan to do that,” said Cook.

I’m not sure this educator understands what the words “gratitude” and “appreciation” mean. By taking an ax to the Pledge of Allegiance, he is expressing nothing by contempt and disgust for the United States.

And here’s his reason for ditching the Pledge:

He said the national political climate is disappointing and the current presidential administration “has been attacking our liberties.”

In other words, because the person he wanted to be POTUS lost, he now hates this country with a passion. This is typical liberal contingent patriotism. When their party has the power they can at least tolerate America, but when the Republicans are in control, America makes them vomit. If your love for this country comes with a lot of bullshit conditions, you don’t don’t love this country at all.

Cook said in the past, he refused to say the words of the Pledge and now that he has gone mad with power he’s making sure no one else can say them either. This is another very good reason why liberals should never be in charge of anything. They have a way of forcing people to think and act as horribly as they do.