Hillary Clinton Loses Her Security Clearance

What is it with Hillary Clinton and losing? She lost the 2008 democratic primary to Barack Obama. She lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump. She’s lost her mind, her self-respect, the support of the Democratic Party, and her husband’s affection. As if that weren’t bad enough, she’s now lost her security clearance. Actually a better question is: considering her criminal mishandling of classified material as Secretary of State, why is she only now losing her security clearance?

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released a letter written by Charles Faulkner, the acting assistant secretary of legislative affairs, which informs that Hillary Clinton, along with 5 others including her former chief of staff Cheryl Mills, have had their security clearances pulled.

But wait, there’s a twist. It appears as if Hillary had requested to have her security clearance revoked. Why? I can’t be sure, but maybe because she’s trying to avoid getting in deeper shit.

A lot of outlets are reporting on this story, but none of them apparently looked at the rest of the letter. The main point of this letter involves a State Department review of documents, presumably related to Hillary Clinton, that are being checked to see if they contain classified information. In fact the letter states that they are investigating “security incidents” which are again presumably related to Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton was busted illegally using a private e-mail server to conduct official government business as Secretary of State and sent hundreds of classified documents. Some of this classified material was sent to people who didn’t have the security clearance to view them. Luckily for Hillary Obama’s Justice Department chose not to prosecute her for these crimes of espionage and treason, but that may be changing.

In the letter, it’s clear that the State Department is looking at Hillary’s e-mails:

After the A Bureau completes its review and assessment of the current classification of the remaining records, DS will being the investigative process to determine if they are valid security incidents. This is a two-step process. The first step – the contemporaneous classification review – will begin upon receipt of the last set of e-mails. The second step – DS’s review and adjudication process – will begin once the contemporaneous classification review is completed.

That is some dense legalese, but it sure does look like the State Department is looking at e-mails Hillary Clinton sent on her private e-mail server to see if she sent or received classified information that would be considered a security breech.

The letter also states that the State Department is reviewing “tens of thousands of documents” which appear to be e-mails. Hillary already had her e-mails, at least the ones she didn’t destroy, reviewed by the State Department, so this looks like some newly discovered stuff.

And that brings us back to why Hillary Clinton asked that her security clearance be pulled. The 5 others who also lost theirs had been given security clearance because Hillary requested it, saying they were “researchers.” Now she has requested that those 5 people have their security clearance revoked as well as her own.

I’m just spit-balling here, but I’d say that Hillary knows there’s something bad in the documents being reviewed and in her diminished mental state believes that if she no longer has security clearance, she won’t have to testify about it, since it will be classified.

Whatever the case may be, I guarantee the liberal media will ignore all of this investigation stuff and slam President Trump for attacking his political opponent by revoking Hillary’s security clearance. It’s not remotely true, but the liberal media isn’t tethered to facts when going after Trump.