Someone Tried To Blow Up George Soros, Or Did They?

George Soros is the lefty activist billionaire who finances many anti-American groups like Black Lives Matter and the mob protests against Brett Kavanaugh. The liberal media tells us that it’s anti-Semitic to accuse Soros of doing the things he does because he survived the Holocaust, but the fact of the matter is his activist organizations support leftist lunatics. It appears that someone tried to send Soros a package bomb, but there’s a lot of questions concerning this which make it seem a little fishy.

ABC News reports that an explosive device was found in the mailbox of Soros’ home in Katonah, NY. The news describes this explosive as a “pipe bomb-like” device. So it was like a pipe bomb, but not a pipe bomb? What does that even mean? ABC went on to describe it as a pipe filled with black powder, which sounds exactly like a pipe bomb to me, but for some reason the news says it’s similar but different.

The story goes that a caretaker found a package in the mail box and brought it inside the house. The caretaker then opened the package to find the pipe bomb-like thing. If this was supposed to be a mail bomb it certainly failed and also, why is a caretaker opening up Soros’ personal mail? Those aren’t the only things that make this story sound like a load of crap.

Upon discovering the package bomb, or whatever it was, the caretaker took it out to the woods before calling police. Anyone else on the planet would have gotten the hell away from something they thought was a bomb, however this caretaker not only handled it but also took it for a walk. Soros was not home at the time of the discovery, so it’s not like this caretaker was bravely removing the bomb to save the bossman.

Another thing that I find odd about the supposed bomb is this:

The FBI detonated the device near Soros’ home in Katonah, New York, and were analyzing the parts to determine whether the bomb was built to go off, the source said.

I understand why the FBI would investigate a package bomb, and they are, but why were they the first ones on the scene as well as the ones who detonated this thing? A few years ago, there was an actual bomb scare on my block and it was the local police who responded, not the FBI. Is the FBI the local police for Katonah, NY?

After saying that they blew up the device and were analyzing the fragments to see if it was a legitimate bomb, an FBI source declared that the pipe bomb-like thing was “no hoax.” Wow, that was a fast investigation, huh?

The FBI says they don’t know if the bomb was mailed or hand-delivered, which seems like something they could determine by looking at the package it came in. Remember, the caretaker opened the package and then moved the bomb to the woods. Why can’t the FBI just look at the package to see if it has a post mark or ask the caretaker if it had one?

There’s definitely a lot of stuff that doesn’t add up in this story, but that could just be to shitty lazy reporting. Then again, maybe something else is going on. The left has been on a rampage against Republicans lately, so perhaps this was a hoax to deflect attention from the liberal campaign of violence. Sure, Republicans are being threatened and attacked, but pay no attention to that because someone tried to blow up George Soros.

Because I don’t want to get sued and banned from Facebook, I’m not saying that Soros perpetrated a bomb hoax against himself, just that there are some puzzling questions surrounding this incident.