We Know The Synagogue Shooter Is Definitely Not A Trump Fan

When Robert Bowers killed 11 people and injured at least 6 more at a Synagogue in Pittsburgh on Saturday the left immediately blamed Donald Trump’s “anti-Semitic” rhetoric for the shooting. Sure, no President has been friendlier to the state of Israel and Trump’s own daughter is a converted Orthodox Jew, but…narrative. And that liberal narrative says that Bowers is a rabid Trump supporter who was inspired by the President’s coded anti-Jewish hate, but the truth of the matter is, this killer hates Trump.

Bowers left many anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi posts on the social media platform Gab, which is why the left is insisting that he’s a hardcore Trump supporter. The liberal media has developed this fact-free story that Trump is a white nationalist, which is another way of saying white supremacist and/or neo-Nazi. Of course Trump is not what the liberals are portraying him as and Bowers is no fan of the President.

Bowers is registered to vote as an Independent, which may point to him being more of a Bernie Sanders supporter. I know it seems weird for an anti-Semite to support Jewish Bernie Sanders, but white supremacist Jeremy Joseph Christian, who killed 2 people on an Oregon train last year, was a big-time Trump-hatin’ Bernie Bro. Also, Bowers did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016.

Then there are some social media posts Bowers left that indicate he was convinced Trump was either too cozy with Jews or maybe even a secret Jew:

“Trump is surrounded by k*kes, things will stay the course,” wrote Bowers.

After Trump declared himself an “America-first” patriotic nationalist Bowers wrote, “Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist.”

According to liberals, “globalist” is code for “the Jews” or the International Jewish bankers that anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists think secretly run the world. I’m not claiming to believe any of this stuff, either from the left or the tin-foil hat crowd, I’m just pointing out that Bowers perceived Trump to be part of this Jewish conspiracy.

Then, two days before the shooting, Bowers wrote this: “There is no #MAGA as long as there is a k*ke infestation.”

Clearly Bowers was not a supporter of Donald Trump, nor was he inspired by the President’s words. Also, just for the record, I can’t recall Trump ever suggesting that people should shoot up a Synagogue, so it’s not like Trump had violent anti-Semitic words in the first place. I was going to ask if the liberal media could put this BS narrative to rest, but I know they won’t.

Another leftist narrative concerning this shooting is that massive gun control laws are needed to prevent another shooting like this from taking place, which is even more BS. According to Fox News, Bowers purchased 16 guns legally and CNN adds that he had a valid Pennsylvania concealed weapons permit. This guy was law-abiding right up until he opened fire, and no gun control law, existing or proposed, would have stopped him.

On a similar note, CNN was upset that Bowers didn’t exploit any loopholes to acquire his guns, so they put out this ridiculous thing in an attempt to hype up the pure evilness of firearms:

On September 29, Bowers posted photos of his handgun collection on his Gab.com account, which included multiple clips and sights.

OMG!!! Bowers’ guns had both clips and sights? Does CNN even know what these things are? I’m pretty sure when they said “clips” the meant “magazines” but what’s up with the histrionics over his weapons being equipped with sights? And not just sights, but “multiple sights.” In more outrageous news, Bowers’ firearms also had triggers, barrels, and hand grips. I can actually see this leading to some democrat proposing a ban on “high capacity” gun sights, designed for the battlefield, not the streets.

Bowers was not a Trump supporter and there were no gun control laws short of a total ban on civilian gun ownership that would have stopped him. He is however a neo-Nazi and Nazis are fascists and fascism is a leftist ideology. The liberal media doesn’t have its narrative for this shooting and I don’t suspect they will dig too deeply into his leftist beliefs.