Democrats Roll Out Dirty Tricks To Save McCaskill And Heitkamp

Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill is in deep doo-doo because she’s a whacko democrat in a red state. North Dakota Senator Heidi Heitkamp is in deeper doo-doo because she’s a more wacko democrat in a redder state. With both of their reelections in serious doubt, the democrats did what they do best: lie. Hey, dirty tricks and BS almost derailed Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court appointment, so why not try it on some Senate races? There are literally no repercussions when democrats pull sleazy stuff like this, so they scrape the bottom of the barrel every time.

Look at this from Fox News:

Josh Hawley, the Republican Senate hopeful in Missouri, has been targeted by an anonymous and illegal campaign mailer, the second such incident to emerge targeting GOP hopefuls in the run-up to the midterms.

The mailer encourages voters to back Libertarian or Independent candidates, seemingly as a way of siphoning off enough Republican votes to help Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill. The Hawley campaign accused McCaskill’s team of being behind the mailers, a charge she denies.

The campaign mailers, which don’t state who paid for them as required by election laws, criticized the Republican candidate on gun rights and other issues and promoted other right-leaning candidates in an apparent effort to syphon votes from his campaign.

One anonymous mailer criticizes Hawley’s record on gun rights claiming he won’t “protect our gun rights” and then asks to support Libertarian candidate Japheth Campbell.

Josh Hawley has an “A” rating from the NRA while McCaskill has an “F” which would be lower if that weren’t already the worst possible grade. But yeah, it’s totally Hawley who gun owners should worry about. By sheer coincidence, Hawley pulled ahead of McCaskill in the polls right around the same time these mailers went out.

McCaskill’s campaign denies any knowledge of this dirty trick because of course they would. It’s doubtful she’s directly behind it, but it’s certainly from a pro-McCaskill group or maybe even the DNC. A very similar mailer went out in Montana accusing Republican Matt Rosendale of also being soft on gun rights. This is clearly a coordinated disinformation campaign and nobody disses the information better than the Democratic National Committee.

Even more disgusting is this thing from North Dakota as reported by the SayAnythingBlog. An ad appeared on FaceBook aimed at voters and hunters in the state warning them if they vote in next week’s midterm election they could lose their hunting licenses:

This is of course utter nonsense. Voting in any election in any state has no bearing on a person’s hunting license. I do however get the impression this is something the democrats would like to institute, which is another reason not to vote for them.

The ad has now been deactivated by FaceBook, but the gate-keepers of “real news” certainly allowed it to run in the first place. SayAnythigBlog did some research and found the ad was paid for by the North Dakota Democratic-NPL, so this was an official smear campaign. Also, before the ad was deactivated, clicking on the ad brought users to the ND Democratic Party’s website, where the same lie is still displayed.

This is significant because Republican Kevin Cramer has a 9-point lead on incumbent democrat Heidi Heitkamp in the North Dakota Senate race. Hunters are generally Republicans and this bullshit effort is clearly aimed at scaring Republican voters into staying home next Tuesday.

Democrats always scream that voter ID laws are voter suppression, which is as dumb as it sounds. They however have no problem lying to voters in an attempt to keep them from voting. Which of these two things seems more like voter suppression: Making people prove who they are before voting or lying that people will lose their gun rights if they exercise their voting rights?