Twitter Deleted 10,000 Accounts Because the Democrats Told Them To

It’s not the biggest secret in the world that social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are extremely left-leaning, but it’s less known that they take their marching orders directly from the Democratic Party to silence conservative voices. At the behest of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Twitter deleted 10,000 accounts. Have you ever noticed how you’ve never seen a story about Twitter deleting accounts because the Republicans asked them too? Weird, huh? Hell, you’ve never even a story about Twitter deleting a liberal’s account for making a death threat or being racist.

Here’s a disturbing thing from Reuters:

Twitter Inc. deleted more than 10,000 automated accounts posting messages that discouraged people from voting in Tuesday’s U.S. election and wrongly appeared to be from Democrats, after the party flagged the misleading tweets to the social media company.

Twitter removed more than 10,000 accounts, according to three sources familiar with the Democrats’ effort…Yet the removals represent an early win for a fledgling effort by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, or DCCC, a party group that supports Democrats running for the U.S. House of Representatives.

You got that? The DCCC identified Twitter accounts they didn’t like and Twitter dutifully removed them. The democrats are claiming these accounts were spreading false information, but these people are nothing but false information. They think everything that doesn’t jive with their whacko ideology is racist, sexist, and fake news. What are the chances that any of these accounts were actually bots spreading a voter suppression message? I’m guessing its somewhere between zero and zilch.

Check it out, here’s one of those fake accounts now:

The Tweets included ones that discouraged Democratic men from voting, saying that would drown out the voice of women, according to two of the sources familiar with the flagging operation.

To me that sounds exactly like something a lefty feminist kook would say. This is the only example the Reuters gives of the kind of “disinformation” the democrats made Twitter get rid of, which is another clue this is a load of shit.

The democrats are convinced that the only reason Hillary Clinton isn’t president is because Russian bots placed ads on Facebook and made social media posts. I’ve seen what these supposed election-stealing ads are and they were mostly non-candidate specific and a lot of them were in support of leftist stuff like Black Lives Matter. Maybe, just maybe, Hillary is two-time loser because people hate her and she ran a shitty campaign.

The democrats will never admit to Hillary’s weaknesses, so instead they’ve gotten the big social media sites to suppress all conservative points of view. This however doesn’t make any sense to me. Facebook and Twitter have deleted millions of accounts this year alone and their views and user interactions are way down. These companies never really figured out how to be profitable and all they’re doing is driving away users. I get it that they want to be evil and help the democrats silence free speech, but it doesn’t make much business sense.

Many of you know that the site I used to write for, Downtrend, was f*cked out of existence because Facebook deleted our page, claiming we violated their vague terms of service. The only thing Downtrend did was the same thing I’m doing with Def-Con News and that’s bringing the truth. Unfortunately it’s a truth that liberals don’t like and the social media companies are more than happy to help snuff that out.