Cory Booker Stops Traffic And Harasses Motorists In ‘Get Out The Vote’ Effort

Cory Booker just had himself another “Spartacus” moment on Tuesday. The New Jersey Senator was harassing motorists in an effort to get them to vote for super-corrupt fellow democrat Bob Menendez. The Thracian gladiator bravely took on light traffic to block and annoy people. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot because, let’s face it, most people don’t know who he is and strangers banging on car widows is often seen as a carjacking attempt.

Here’s a dumb video from a dumber guy:

Booker was on the streets of what looks to be a pretty shitty neighborhood in New Jersey, holding a sign reading: Don’t forget to vote today. For some reason the word “vote” is in quotes, which leads me to believe this was some kind of code for something else. Maybe that’s how they sell drugs on the street in Jersey, I don’t know.

I do know that a guy holding a badly penned sign standing on street corner looks like a panhandler, and I’m assuming the motorists thought so too. In the video Booker can be seen reaching into the window of a red car. I bet the driver thought Booker was a guy down on his luck and gave him a dollar.

Booker was jacked up and actually ran out into traffic to approach a black SUV. At this point I bet the motorists stopped thinking Booker was a bum and more of a carjacker. The video cut off just as Booker reached into the vehicle and appeared to be pulling something or someone out. Anything could have happened next, but I bet Booker dragged a passenger out and screamed “vote for democrats!” in the person’s face. He’s a little intense for most people’s tastes.

Like I said, it’s lucky Booker didn’t get shot performing these antics. Even the people of New Jersey have no idea who he is, so all they saw was a crazy black man rushing them and ranting like a lunatic. New Jersey doesn’t really allow people to carry concealed weapons, but as I noted, this was a shitty neighborhood where people tend not to care what the law says. The likelihood of there being a gun in any of these cars was very high.

I haven’t seen anything on the news about Cory Booker getting arrested for carjacking or getting shot for acting like a fool, so presumably everything worked out for him and I’m glad. I don’t agree with his politics, but I don’t wish him any specific harm either. That’s a little thing called civility. Spartacus should look it up.

What makes this such a liberal thing to do it its sheer futility. Cory Booker literally inspired no one to vote with his shenanigans. He did this on election day so on the off-chance someone who wasn’t registered to vote was suddenly inspired to cast a ballot it was too late. Anyone else who who was registered to vote probably already voted or planned on voting later in the day. The only way this could have been more liberal is if Booker wasted tons of other people’s money achieving nothing.

This had nothing to do with Booker trying to get people to vote for Menendez, this was part of his effort to get some attention for his doomed-to-fail 2020 presidential run. For some reason he thinks stealing the same tactics sign-spinners use to announce a mattress sale will get him in the White House. He’s wrong, but he’s a democrat and wrong goes with democrats the same as failure and lying does.