Aging Rockers Discover Forrest Management As A Way To Attack Trump

When musicians are young it’s nothing but sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll, but as these guys get older their priorities change. It’s no longer dying briefly from a heroine overdose or getting kicked out of a band for being a drunk idiot and all about pretending like their opinions matter. Axl Rose, Tommy Lee, and Sebastian Back are all decidedly anti-Trump but instead of going after the President with youthful piss and vinegar, they are showing their age by using their vast knowledge of forrest management to attack him.

Wildfires continue to rage in Southern California, destroying entire communities. These communities happened to be where a lot of celebrities live, which would explain why they suddenly give a shit about it. President Trump doubled down on his assertion that poor forrest management in California is largely responsible for the state’s devastating fires recently.

Whenever Trump tweets, the left completely loses it and this is no different. Here’s Guns ‘N Roses frontman Axl Rose dropping some of his thoughts on forrest management and federal funding:

Nobody knows more about trying to get attention than Rose, plus how cool is it that he used apostrophied Ns in place of the word “and”? It’s just like his band, huh?

The culturally appropriating former Motley Crue drummer, Tommy Lee, didn’t have quite as much knowledge on forrest management as Rose, but he made up for it with his expertise in judging intelligence:

Well, Lee was smart enough to get hepatitis and knocked out cold by his own son, so he must know what he’s talking about.

This rocker offense must have worked because President Trump softened his tone in a follow-up tweet about the SoCal fires:

But it didn’t stop ex-Skid Row singer Sebastian Back from going after him with this expert political analysis:

Sebastian Back was kicked out of Skid Row because he’s a drunken lunatic. The band continues to perform in small clubs with a series of replacement singers. If there were to be a reunion, the band would play larger venues and make much more money, but Bach’s ex-bandmates would rather slum it than let him back in. He’s definitely an expert on uselessness.

When these guys were young and angry it was all “f*ck the system” and “live fast, die young.” Now that they are too old for this shit, it’s “let me tell you about forrest management.” I’m actually looking forward to Axl’s song about forrest management on Chinese Democracy 2. Hopefully he doesn’t drop the N-word on this one.