ThinkProgress Editor Wants To Destroy All Republicans

I realize that ThinkProgess editor Ian Millhiser is a flaming liberal and above Twitter’s terms of service, but he is calling for the entire Republican Party to be destroyed. I could see if he was only threatening one specific person, but he’s literally talking about taking out millions of people, which is kind of genocidal. Surely Twitter must a have line that can’t be crossed even by leftists. Like say, liberals are allowed to threaten up to 100 people and not get banned from the social media platform, but if they go above that Twitter temporarily takes away their blue check. Maybe not.

Millhiser is the justice editor at lefty cess pool ThinkProgress and here’s what he considers justice and progress:

Who’s goal should it be to destroy the GOP? Millhiser’s? I’m not sure who he thinks will join him in this, but it is clear he wants to be a part annihilating a political party and everyone who is a member. The most fascist thing about this liberal wet dream is that Millhiser wants to eliminate a party he disagrees with and then “allow” one that he finds palatable to take its place. It’s a good thing he’s a bony little dork who writes for a disreputable liberal website and not someone with any power, because this is the kind of thinking that Hitler and Stalin had when they seized control: kill all of the opposition.

Millhiser says that Republicans must be eliminated because they have bad morals. Has he ever heard of rapey Bill Clinton or gropey Al Franken? Also is there morality in killing millions of unborn babies as a matter of convenience? Is it a higher moral calling to steal money form people who earned it and give to illegal immigrants and lazy assholes? Liberals have alternative definitions for words, so I’m assuming “morals” are something completely different to Millhiser. It probably means “f*ck you, Nazi” because that what everything means to liberals.

He also says Republicans have bad ideas, which is just as dumb. Republicans’ ideas include low taxes, job creation, national security, and individual rights. Democrats are the ones with bad ideas. They thought slavery, segregation, and interning Americans were swell ideas. They came up up with all of the f*cked socialism that costs us billion every year and doesn’t help anyone. Their ideas all involve taking our money and freedom, which again is super-fascist.

It’s possible that in his hysterical liberal confusion, Millhiser is actually talking about destroying the democratic party. According to him the party that needs to go is the one that is racist and doesn’t understand basic math. As already mentioned, democrats were behind every racist thing this country has done from slavery to Native American genocide.

Also, let’s look at some basic liberal math:

Man + dress = woman

Baby + murder = saving lives

Winter + cold = global warming

My paycheck + government spending = free

You want to talk about some shit that doesn’t add up, run the the numbers on ObamaCare or any other stupid democratic party socialist spending plan. More takers than givers is unsustainable every single time.

Millhiser presented his plan to destroy the GOP under the banner that bipartisanship should “f*ck off” so he’s not a serious person whose opinions matter. He’s also a beta male douchebag who couldn’t defend himself against a spunky Girl Scout so if he wants to take us Republicans out, I say bring it, fool. Let’s see what you ain’t got.