Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

And good morning to all of you Deplorables! One more day to eke it out until Friday and here is a morning helping of thought-provoking fare to get you started.

Apple CEO Tim Cook: It’s A ‘Sin’ To Not Ban Bad People From Tech Platforms

Via The Federalist

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Monday night that not using one’s judgement to kick certain people off of tech platforms is a sin. While accepting the first-ever “Courage Against Hate” award from the Anti-Defamation League in New York City, Cook said that Apple is proud of exercising its judgement to kick certain people off of its platforms.

“At Apple, we’re not afraid to say our values drive our curation decisions,” he said. “And why should we be?”

“We only have one message for those who seek to push hate, division, and violence: You have no place on our platforms,” Cook said. “You have no home here.”

Read the entire article HERE.

The Stench Of Globalism

By Ben Garrison

French president Emmanuel Macron is not a very popular man in Paris these days. He represents the globalist bankers more than France, and he’s been running their game plan.

Macron put in place a ‘fuel tax,’ which is in actuality a carbon tax. Such a tax is instrumental in the further fleecing of the sheep by the EU globalists. People are supposed to be shamed into happily paying such a tax in order to ‘save the environment. Maybe Macron thought people would be eager to further fill the coffers of big banks and corporations in order to make this happen. Otherwise, he would have been cleverer about it by lying and saying it was to help the French people in general.

The French are already over-taxed. Workers there must shoulder the burden of their own quasi-socialist, immigrant-packed country. Those who drive to work are now forced to pay more for their already ridiculously high-priced fuel. Those who drive for a living are forced to pay a lot more. Macron’s fuel tax may be the straw that’s breaking the camel’s back. It has sparked huge, fire-filled protests in Paris. Macron’s response? He dug in his French heels and denounced the protestors. He’s not listening to citizens who are sick of being turned into slaves for his globalism. His lack of sympathy has made things worse for himself. Now there are tens of thousands more ‘gilets jaunes,’ or yellow vests talking about revolution. They’re ready to remove Macron’s head from his globalist body. The French have been known to take their contemptuous masters down by violent means on occasion.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Elite Are Creating An Authoritarian ‘Beast System’, And Dissenters Could Lose Everything

By Michael Snyder

They are transforming the Internet into the greatest tool of surveillance that humanity has ever seen, and if we stay on the road that we are currently on it is only a matter of time until our society becomes a hellish dystopian nightmare. I wish that this was an exaggeration, but it isn’t. Over the past couple of decades, the Internet has completely changed the way that we all communicate with one another. At one time, all forms of mass communication were tightly controlled by the elite, but the Internet suddenly allowed us to communicate with one another on a massive scale without having to go through their gatekeepers. This radically altered the landscape, and at first the elite were unsure of how to respond to this growing threat. There was no way that they could roll back time to an era before the Internet was invented, and so they have decided to use it for their own insidious purposes instead.

Today, the Internet has become the centerpiece of their “Big Brother surveillance grid”, and they are gathering information on all of us on a scale that has never been seen before in all of human history. But of course it was never going to stop there. Over the past couple of years we have started to watch the elite use all of this information to punish those that are doing or saying things that they do not like.

Read the entire article HERE.

Facebook Censors Santa Kneeling in Front of Jesus as ‘Violent’

Via Newsbusters

Censorship on Facebook has reached a level of absurdity. Even seemingly innocuous Christmas images are considered too graphic for sensitive users.

A post with over 11,000 shares dating back to 2015 was given a blackout covering, with the words over it, “This photo may show violent or graphic content.” But instead of a gory image or a disturbing picture underneath it, there was a painting of Santa Claus kneeling at the manger, worshipping the infant Jesus. When the photo was uncovered, the caption read, “This photo was automatically covered so you can decide if you want to see it.”

Two Facebook users posted the painting within the last 4 hours, and both times the image was covered up.

Facebook Community Standards give reasons for putting a warning screen on certain posts. “We include a warning screen so that people are aware the content may be disturbing,” say the guidelines. “We also limit the ability to view the content to adults, ages eighteen and older.” The images censored include, “Imagery featuring mutilated people,” “photos of wounded or dead people,” “dismembered animals,” “animal abuse,” “child abuse,” “violent death,” “torture,” “physical bullying,” and “grievous injury.” Images of fetuses and birthing are also labelled “so that people are aware the content may be sensitive.”

Read the entire article HERE.

What Is ‘Ballot Harvesting,’ And How Did California Dems Use It To Nuke The Gop

Via The Daily Caller

The stunning turnaround in California, of all states, can be attributed to several factors, as conservative critics like The Federalist’s Bre Payton wrote, but the most significant of those seemed to be the practice of “ballot harvesting.”

Passed as a barely noticed change in the state’s vote by mail procedures in 2016 and signed by then-Governor Jerry Brown, California’s AB 1921 allows voters to give any third party — not just a relative or someone living in the same household, as was previously the law — to collect and turn in anyone else’s completed ballot.

Called “ballot harvesting,” critics say the practice is ripe for fraud. Consider “Lulu,” who was recorded trying to “harvest” what she thought was a Democratic voter’s ballot in Rep. Knight’s district.

Read the entire article HERE.

Climate Change Alarmism Is The World’s Leading Cause Of Hot Gas

Via The Federalist

Even as anti-gas tax riots raged in France this week, the naturalist David Attenborough warned a crowd at a United Nations climate change summit in Poland that the “collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” UN General Assembly President Maria Espinosa told the media that “mankind” was “in danger of disappearing” if climate change is allowed to progress at its current rate.

Speakers, who flew in to swap doomsday stories and partake of the meat-heavy menu, advocated for radical changes to avoid this imminent environmental apocalypse. These days, “the point of no return” is almost always in view, yet always just out of reach.

Read the entire article HERE.

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