Kathy Griffin Lies Her Ass Off About Severed Trump Head ‘Ordeal’

In May 2017, pseudo-comedian Kathy Griffin posted some pictures of herself holding a fake bloody decapitated Donald Trump head and her sad little career was over. That was back before everyone on the left had full-blown Trump Derangement Syndrome so there was still some sentiment that pretending to behead the President of the United States was appalling. Now that TDS and the Resistance are in full-swing Griffin is being welcomed back into the liberal entertainment circles and she’s using the second chance to lie her ass off about the event that initially had her black-balled.

Griffin was on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, frightening children and curdling milk, when the two discussed Griffin’s severed Trump head photo session. Things started off with a lie as Griffin explained the immediate aftermath of the photo.

“Well, not like it’s a little bit of an understatement but 60 million Americans thought I was a member of ISIS,” said Griffin.

Even Colbert thought this was bullshit, asking, “Where do you get that stat? 60 million?”

“I get it from the news. I got it from Sarah Palin,” replied Griffin.

If this seems like she was joking, she definitely was not. I know it’s often hard to tell with someone as unfunny as her, but she was dead serious. The news never reported this, Sarah Palin never said this, and there was never any poll about this. Also, there aren’t 60 million Americans who even know who the hell Kathy Griffin is, so this was a lie.

The next load of shit comes when Griffin recounted her visit with the Secret Service following the controversial pics.

“A lot of people don’t know this part. Actually two federal agencies, the Secret Service and the assistant U.S. attorney’s office, were putting me under a two-month federal investigation and considering charging me with a crime — this is real — of conspiracy to assassinate the President of the United States,” said Griffin. “This was real life trouble.”

It’s not real if they didn’t charge her, which they didn’t. She didn’t get in any trouble if she wasn’t charged or even arrested, which she wasn’t.

Griffin then tried to make this seem like it was Trump’s fault, saying, “That’s where your tax dollars went, everybody, investigating Kathy Griffin.”

If liberal entertainers would stop threatening President Trump’s life, the Secret Service wouldn’t have to waste valuable resources investigating. This is all on Griffin and if she really cared about our tax dollars being wasted (she doesn’t) she should pay us back for all the money that went into investigating her.

Finally, Griffin dropped one more lie regarding this:

“A lot of people don’t know this but I was on the no-fly list for two months, like I was a terrorist,” said Griffin. “I was also put on the Interpol list and was detained at every airport.”

Griffin said this as she explained how she flew all over the world, playing gigs in 18 different countries. Being on the “no-fly” list means you can’t fly. If she was on this list she wouldn’t have been able to aboard a plane, instead of just getting secondary screening as she claims.

Griffin also lamented that she lost “75% of her fiends” and that because of the severed Trump head picture she hasn’t had a paid gig since. These are again lies, because no one would be friends with her in the first place, plus she bragged about how she sold out the Sydney Opera House on her 18-country tour.

The entire point of this cluster of lies was an attempt to get us all to feel sorry for Kathy Griffin. Our eyes and ears deserve pity for having to look at and listen to her, but everything that has happened to her is of her own doing.