Tucker Warns That Mueller Probe Could Come Back To Bite Dems In The Ass

Blinded by their maniacal zeal to destroy President Trump, the Democrats and their allies have given little thought to the precedents that they are setting that may one day come around full circle and be used against them.

Nowhere is this fanaticism more evident than with the sweeping witch hunt being conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller whose unspoken mandate is to manufacture “evidence” against Trump that will lead to his impeachment.

It’s all political of course and Team Mueller has spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars essentially conducting opposition research for the rabid Resistance and by all indications, he’s about to deliver his case to Congress and the media to coincide with the swearing in of the new Democrat House majority which has already penciled in nearly 100 investigations into Trump and his associates.

But by imbuing Mueller with such extra-constitutional powers and protecting him from accountability, could the Democrats be constructing a trap that they themselves may one day find themselves in?

That is exactly what Fox’s Tucker Carlson is warning of wit the Dems’ blind support for a “god-prosecutor accountable only to himself.”


Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Speaking of liberals, they are thrilled these days by the Mueller investigation. It seems like all upside at this point. Their political opponents are being harassed day and night. Some may soon be indicted. The administration can barely govern with all the noise about Russia. Robert Mueller is said to be a Republican. But in effect he’s doing the heavy lifting for the Democratic Party. If you’re a progressive who hates Trump, it’s like Christmas every day.

Or is it? Writer T.A. Frank has his doubts. Frank is no right winger. He doesn’t like Donald Trump. But he’s thought this through. In an insightful piece for Vanity Fair, Frank wonders if liberals will look back and consider the Mueller investigation worth it. In response to criticism from the left, Frank notes, quote, “Trump’s White House has pursued what is arguably the harshest set of policies toward Russia since the fall of Communism. Hardly something to celebrate. Yet nearly all the pressure, from the center-left as much as the right, is toward making it even tougher.” Is it really wise to risk war with a nuclear-armed power solely for short term political advantage? Frank wonders.

And then this, which ought to be printed and taped to the fridge in the kitchen of every Democratic political consultant in Washington. Quote: “The weapons you create for your side today will be used by the other side against you tomorrow. Do we really want the special-counsel investigation to become a staple of presidential life? It’s a creation with few boundaries on scope and a setup that encourages the selection of a suspect followed by a search for the crime, rather than the other way around.”

Good point. Democrats are telling us that Robert Mueller is above the reach of government. Any executive branch oversight of his investigation qualifies as an impeachable offense. In their telling, Mueller is a God-prosecutor, accountable only to himself. But will Democrats be comfortable with this standard when the next independent counsel investigates the next Democratic president? And more to the point, what ever happened to representative government? Shouldn’t all federal employees answer to elected officials, who answer to voters? Not anymore. In the name of defending democracy, the left is weakening it. Democrats don’t seem to understand that now. They’re having too much fun watching their enemies suffer. But they will. And they’ll regret it.

Tucker was referencing a Vanity Fair article by liberal T.A. Frank that has been making the rounds in which the author cautions that what comes around goes around and while Democrats may be eager to sell their soul to get Trump, there may very well be a day of reckoning in the offing.

Via Vanity Fair, “It This It?: A Trump-Hater’s Guide To Mueller Skepticism”:

Partisanship is hostile to introspection, but at some point maybe we’ll look back and think again about what was unleashed in the panic over Russian influence. Trump’s White House has pursued what is arguably the harshest set of policies toward Russia since the fall of Communism—hardly something to celebrate—yet nearly all the pressure, from the center-left as much as the right, is toward making it even tougher. As for those tapping along to S.N.L. songs in praise of Mueller and his indictments, they might want to remember that Trump won’t always be in office. The weapons you create for your side today will be used by the other side against you tomorrow. Do we really want the special-counsel investigation to become a staple of presidential life? It’s a creation with few boundaries on scope and a setup that encourages the selection of a suspect followed by a search for the crime, rather than the other way around. This caused calamities in the era of Bill Clinton, and it doesn’t get any better just because the partisan dynamics are reversed.

The poor stupid fools, they just don’t realize that once the law has been eviscerated that they themselves will lose their protections too.

From the classic British play “A Man For All Seasons” on the protection of the law:

Roper: So now you’d give the Devil benefit of law!

More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

Roper: I’d cut down every law in England to do that!

More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country’s planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man’s laws, not God’s — and if you cut them down — and you’re just the man to do it — d’you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake.

But the left is deranged and obsessed and oblivious to the precedents that are being set as Mueller runs roughshod and in their blindness to advocate for neo-Stalinism, they fail to comprehend that this particular blade cuts both ways.