Muslim Democrat Mocks Mike Pence’s Christian Faith

Rep. elect Ilhan Omar is one of two Muslim democrats coming into the new Congress. She wears a hijab and has requested a special rule that “hats” be allowed on the floor of the House as a matter of tolerance and acceptance. To demonstrate what tolerance and acceptance are all about, she mocked Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith. If this seems a tad bit intolerant, you’re forgetting that words like “diversity” “inclusion” and “tolerance” do not apply to straight white Christian males according to the rules of liberalism.

Earlier this week President Trump held a pretty insane meeting with democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer about the spending bill and border security. Liberals didn’t pay much attention to the valid points the Presindet made about the need to secure our border, but they did focus on VP Pence, who was in the meeting, but kind of sat silently rather than get involved in the shouting match.

Ilhan Omar pounced on this liberal narrative and tweeted out this hate crime against the VP:

Can you imagine the outrage if a Republican had sent a similar tweet mocking former president Barcak Obama’s Muslim faith? Hillary Clinton pretty much did it when her campaign began distributing those pictures of Obama in full jihadi wear, but she’s a democrat. If a Republican had done it, the outrage would have been immeasurable.

Or imagine if a Republican were to tweet something like this:

Mike Pence shouldn’t feel too bad that Omar is making fun of his religion as she also hates Judaism:

To go with her intolerance of Christianity and Judaism, Omar also hates white people and thinks we are the real terrorists:

On top of thinking that white right-wingers are the real terrorists, Omar believes it is Muslims who are the true victims of terrorism:

If terrorism has no faith, why do terrorist always yell “Aluhu Akbar!” before the open fire, gun the engine on a rental truck, or trigger the bomb? She says terrorism has no faith, but she’s pretty sure it has a race and political ideology.

Did I mention this whacko hate extremist was just elected to the US House of Representatives and will soon be voting on laws and policies for our country? Muslim anti-Semite domestic abuser Keith Ellison may have retired, but the state of Minnesota has offered up an even worse bigot.