Cheese-Eating Rat Michael Cohen To Be Dems’ Star Witness Against Trump

Democrats continue to leech onto abject scumbags who can assist them in their mission to reverse the results of the 2016 election, a loss that they refuse to accept and would rather burn the entire system to the ground rather than to realize that their identity politics, globalism and clamoring for a borderless nation don’t resonate with voters and change it.

The latest redemption project is former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, a man who they previously vilified until the amoral sleazeball’s office was the target of a Gestapo-style raid ordered by grand inquisitor Robert Mueller who Cohen then rolled over on the president for.

Pay no mind to the fact that Cohen is a pathological liar, an unscrupulous shyster and a man who many would describe as a racketeer, he is now the key to busting a cap into Trump after years of failed efforts to destroy him.

Take it from Elijah Cummings, one of the obsessed racists who has been hellbent at overturning the election for over two years and made an appearance on the Sunday morning circuit which was a veritable Christmas stocking stuffed with assholes yesterday.

Cummings will be heading up one of the lynch mobs when the Democrats take control of the House in a couple of weeks and boasted of things to come to CNN’s insufferable Jake Tapper.

Via The Conservative Treehouse, “Representative Elijah Cummings Outlines Democrat Plan to Remove President Trump via Michael Cohen…”:

It was curious to see Michael Cohen walk out of his sentencing hearing last week without having to report to jail/prison for the punishment therein. Generally speaking when the final adjudication is presented the accused begins to serve his/her punishment. However, not in this case; and not with the construct of this pleading, this quid-pro-quo.

In the prosecutorial agreement within the Cohen case, there obviously remains the fulfillment of terms. Michael Cohen doesn’t report to prison until March 6th, 2019. Why the exceptional judicial delay and generosity?…. The incoming Chairman for the House Government and Oversight Committee, Elijah Cummings, explains..

There it is; transparently obvious for any political observer who has a modicum of intellectual honesty. House committees will use testimony from Michael Cohen as the cornerstone for their well-structured political strategy to eliminate the existential threat to their ongoing DC livelihood, President Trump.

There should be no doubt this plan was conceived well before Special Counsel Robert Mueller passed the investigative torch to his compatriots in the Southern District of New York. This impeachment/removal approach is a synergy between multiple benefactors, and is entirely by design.

Rep. Cummings also implored the Justice Department to revamp its guidelines on indicting a sitting president.

Cummings perhaps the most demagogic member of the self-segregating Congressional Black Caucus which declared open war on Trump from the minute that he won the election.
With the amount of hatred that has been directed at Trump – perhaps as a proxy for the “oppressive” white system as a hole – by the CBC one has to wonder whether their real beef is less about him than an ongoing temper tantrum over Barack Obama being constitutionally limited to a mere two terms.

Could it all be as simple as get whitey?

It’s getting hard to tell who’s slimier; Cohen or the Democrats who are practically giving him a tongue bath.