U.S. Named One Of The Deadliest Countries For Journalists

The liberal media has developed a narrative that President Trump’s “fake news” rhetoric is an attack on the free press that literally destroys democracy and kills journalists. That BS narrative got a big boost because some lefty journalism organization has named the US one of the most deadly countries for journalists. Obviously the liberal American media is reporting on this breathlessly because it reinforces their lies about the President, plus they have an inflated sense of importance and want people to think what they do is as dangerous and important as combat soldiers.

Here’s the news NBC has been waiting all year to report:

At least 63 professional journalists were killed doing their jobs in 2018, a 15 percent increase over last year, said the group, Reporters Without Borders. The number of deaths rises to 80 when all media workers and people classified as citizen journalists are included, it said in its annual report.

The world’s five deadliest countries for journalists include three — India, Mexico and, for the first time, the United States — where journalists were killed in cold blood, even though those countries weren’t at war or in conflict, the group said.

In Mexico and these other shithole countries, drug cartels and even the government kills journalists for writing unflattering stories. That is something that simply doesn’t happen in American and it is beyond ridiculous to compare our country with these other third-world cess pools.

“The hatred of journalists that is voiced … by unscrupulous politicians, religious leaders and businessmen has tragic consequences on the ground, and has been reflected in this disturbing increase in violations against journalists,” said Secretary-General Christophe Deloire.

NBC didn’t bother to explain who the hell Secretary-General Christophe Deloire is but, who cares, he’s clearly blaming President Trump for the deaths of journalists.

So why did the US make this list of delay countries? Well, this:

Meanwhile, the shooting deaths of five employees of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland, in June propelled the United States into the ranks of the most dangerous countries for the first time.

If you remember at the time of this shooting, most of the liberal media blamed Trump because of his tendency to call falsely reported information “fake news.” As it turns out, the shooter had a years-long beef with the newspaper and his attack had nothing to do with the President.

It’s not just the Capital Gazette shooting that has made the US so dangerous for journalists, check this thing out from the report:

Two other journalists, a local TV anchor and cameraman, were killed by a falling tree while covering Subtropical Storm Alberto’s extreme weather in North Carolina in May.

Are you shitting me? The US is one of the top deadliest countries for journalists because two of them were killed by a falling tree? This is a far cry from the beheadings and dismemberment that journalist face in other countries, but whatever.

There were actually a couple of interesting things in this otherwise stupid report. First is that almost all journalist who were killed were men. The second is that in 7 out of the 8 years Obama was in office more journalists were killed than either of Trump’s first two years. Where’s the liberal narrative about the violent sexism against male journalists or how Obama was killing the shit out of these guys?

Unlike Trump, who just hurts reporters feelings by calling them “fake,” Obama actually arrested and prosecuted journalists and their sources. he used the NSA to actually spy on journalists. Why is it that Trump is such a threat to a free press and Obama is not?