LOOK AT ME! Miami Dolphins Racist Complains No One Cares About Him

OK, son. Here’s some coverage. I’m giving you coverage on a website that’s ranked 1,390,617 in the world according to Cutestat.com. Hey, don’t scoff. We’ve moved up about 200,000 spots since last I checked which was two days ago. You’ll be glad you were featured here as our ratings continue to climb, Mr. Quinn. We’ll make you a star. You’ll be glad we featured you back when we were nobodies . . . or not.

So anyway, this illiterate racist thug, Robert Quinn, who gets paid millions of dollars for chasing a ball around a field is upset that no one is paying attention when he protests the National Anthem. Personally, I’m not paying attention because I quit watching the NFL when assholes like this started disparaging our country over some made up bullshit that cops are out to exterminate the black race. But I’m not a monster, so I’ll give this little crybaby some press.

Fox News Reports 

Miami Dolphins’ Robert Quinn complains about lack of coverage for his protest during national anthem

Colin Kaepernick has received a ton of publicity for his protests during the national anthem, but he can’t seem to find a job in the NFL. Miami Dolphins defensive end Robert Quinn has the opposite problem.

Quinn lashed out at reporters Thursday over the lack of coverage he’s received over his fist-raised protest during the national anthem, something he’s done since joining the Dolphins in the offseason, according to the Miami Herald.

“Y’all ignore it. Because when I gave my first message on trying to bring unity, y’all swept it under the rug. It’s not me. When you don’t give a problematic story, y’all just ran away,” Quinn said.

I really REALLY wanted to comment on this but I can’t for the life of me figure out what the fuck this moron is trying to say. Put him in the concussion protocol. He’s clearly brain damaged.

“You’ve got this lady named Cyntoia Brown, or whatever her name is, and you sent her to life in prison because she was being sex trafficked,” he said, referencing a woman who was sentenced to life in prison for a murder she committed when she was 16. “But yet you guys dipped.”

I have never sent anyone to prison, ignoramus. And what an important cause “Cyntonia Brown” must be to you considering you reference her by, “Whatever her name is.” To be honest, I care as much about her as I do you, Quinn. “Sentenced to life in prison for a murder,” is enough for me not to care about her.

And I’m sorry, uneducated thug, I don’t know the definition of “you guys dipped,” and I am also not going to waste five seconds of my time to look it up. Like you, it doesn’t matter. You went to college for at least two years. Do they not teach English to football players or do you just reject our language as you reject our anthem?

The Miami Herald and Sports Illustrated both profiled Quinn’s activism and why he protests in the name of perceived racial injustice. He was asked about it by the Herald after the Dolphins acquired him.

“The way America was built, and the way people talk. The president said to build a wall to keep Mexicans out. This country was built off of — they killed Indians, built off the backs of the blacks,” he told the newspaper in April. “So yet, they tell us to keep quiet. So at the end of the day, let’s confront the situation and let’s bring humanity and friendship and let’s get rid of all the ignorance. Let’s face it head-on, let’s look at each other as humans. I always live by this one law: Treat each other like you want to be treated. You don’t ever want to smack someone in the face and don’t expect to get smacked back. It’s just that simple fact. Don’t treat someone bad and expect not to be treated the same way. That’s just how it is.”

Anyone reading this can provide rebuttal to Quinn’s rant above. I can’t bear to take the time to decipher any of that inaccurate bullshit so I’ll just take that last sentence, “Don’t treat someone bad and expect not to be treated the same way.” OK, prick. Don’t protest our glorious nation’s anthem and expect to be treated with anything but disdain from us patriots, you little shit. Also don’t raise your fist in a racist black power salute and expect those of who are not black to call you out on your racist horseshit.

He vowed to Sports Illustrated he wouldn’t stop protesting during the anthem “until they get rid of me.”

Quinn’s teammates Kenny Stills and Albert Wilson have also protested during the national anthem this season.

As to what they’re protesting, the article above doesn’t mention. In the end it doesn’t matter. People like these will never be happy no matter how much the world bends over backwards to help them.

There. You’ve got your press. Now shut the fuck up and go chase a ball. Everyone is tired of your crap.