Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Well, that weekend sure flew by didn’t it Deplorables?

The Rebellion Continues – Increased Yellow Vest Protests in France Following Arrest of Key Organizer – Government Spokesman Evacuated by Police…

By Sundance

Last Wednesday night the arrest of a key political organizer of the Yellow Vest protests, a 33-year-old truck driver named Eric Drouet, spurred the movement to claim French President Macron was now arresting his political opponents. The arrest of Drouet has led to an increase in retaliation by the group against the French government.

Yellow Vest demonstrators are now allied with various groups from across the political spectrum; most peaceful, but some, notsomuch. This led to French government ministry official Benjamin Griveaux warning Emmanuel Macron yesterday that a “full blown revolution” was possible.

The evidence to support Minister Briveaux’s dire warning did not take long to surface as a team of masked intruders used a forklift and broke into the French ministry causing police and special forces to evacuate him to safety.

Read the entire article HERE.

Clinton Crony Says Bernie Supporters Must Be Silenced For 2020 Primaries

Via Zero Hedge

NBC News has published an op-ed by Republican political strategist-turned Clinton advisor and Dem strategist David Brock titled “Bernie Sanders’ fans can’t be allowed to poison another Democratic primary with personal attacks — Bashing Beto O’Rourke (and every other Democrat) doesn’t help liberals’ cause in 2020. It only helps Trump.” The article explicitly blames Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump on supporters of Bernie Sanders who criticized her during the primary, and makes it clear that such criticisms must be forcefully and aggressively fought against this time around.

“I’m hardly the only political observer who blames Hillary Clinton’s general election defeat to Donald Trump in part on personal attacks on Clinton first made by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and his backers,” Brock’s article begins. “Those attacks from her left laid the groundwork for copycat attacks lobbed by Donald Trump — and, in the process, helped hand the Supreme Court to the right-wing for a generation.”

Citing no evidence, Brock goes on to accuse journalists and social media users of staging a “coordinated effort” to “attack” Beto O’Rourke and other presidential hopefuls, as though coordination would be necessary for criticisms and questions to emerge about the voting records and campaign donations of public officials seeking the highest political office on the planet. The implication, of course, is that no criticisms of any kind should be leveled at Democratic presidential primary contestants, leaving narrative-shaping authority solely in the hands of the plutocratic media and beltway manipulators like David Brock.

Read the entire article HERE.

Berkeley researchers offer social media platforms easier way to censor

Via Campus Reform

Researchers at the University of California-Berkeley are in the process of developing an “Online Hate Index,” which could be used to weed out “hate speech” from social media platforms.

UC-Berkeley’s social science D-Lab is taking the initiative to create the hate index, which could be picked up by social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook and be used as a tool to identify and remove “hate speech” from their platforms, all using artificial intelligence.

An article by UC-Berkeley’s Alumni Association explains the effort to create the index and suggests that while companies like Facebook and Twitter employ people to scan for “hateful posts,” the employees are often slow and expensive, providing an opening for AI to do the job instead.

The D-Lab and the Anti-Defamation League are working to make it possible to create a “scalable detection” system for online hate speech. The system would utilize artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, as well as humans to sift through massive amounts of online data.

Developers of the tool predict that major social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter will use the technology, according to the article.

Read the entire article HERE.

Website Selling Genital Prosthetics For ‘Transgender’ Children

Via The Daily Wire

As the transgender movement has developed, so too has its focus on the transitioning of younger and younger people. TransKids, according to the “about” section of the transgender youth website, is “a safe and affirming place where helping your kids live fully and embodied is our only goal.”, which is “dedicated to providing young folks with gender expression gear and resources,” not only recommends transgender children’s books like “Who are you? The Kid’s Guide to Gender Identity” and “Be Who You Are,” it markets and sells garments and prosthetics designed to fit young children between the approximate ages of 8-13.

Each prosthetic and piece of clothing is casually described as if it were a blouse in an old department store catalogue. For example, the “Tuck Buddies Underwear,” which is meant for biological girls who identify as boys, is described as follows:

These clever unders have an extra panel in the front to help your kiddo have a smooth front. With a modern “boyshort” look, Tuck Buddies can help your girl feel more confident and comfortable!

The “Masho Packer” prosthetic penis “is a much requested [piece] from Japan that we are able to offer in limited quantities. This smallish prosthetic is angled downward for a more realistic and less ‘outstanding’ package. While designed for adults, this is one of the smaller packers on the market.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Obama Deep State Put Trump-Russia Intel Scam Into Play IN APRIL 2016 – At Exact Same Time Candidate Trump Won GOP Primary

By Joe Hoft

When it became clear that candidate Trump was going to win the Republican primaries and become the Republican Presidential candidate in the 2016, the Deep State members of the Obama Administration started their slanderous assault on the candidate and then President Trump. A review of data from April 2016 proves it!

Between the Wisconsin and Connecticut Republican primaries in April of 2016, the Deep State criminals in the Obama Administration created their plan of attack on the Trump campaign. They attempted to tie candidate Trump to Russians, knowing that their links to Russia with Uranium One were open to criticism and alleged criminal acts.

By the end of April, 2016, the Deep State of Obama, Comey, Brennan, Kerry and others had already put in place spies on Trump team members, and allegations of a made up company, DCLeaks, that allegedly hacked DNC emails. They also began their sinister Trump – Russia collusion fairy tale.

Read the entire article HERE.

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