Uh oh . . . Pelosi Claims “All Lives Matter,” Blacks Are Outraged!

When I woke up this morning the last thing I thought I’d be doing is defending Nancy Pelosi. Yet here I am about to do it . . . but don’t worry, I’ll insult her in the process as well. See, the dingbat Pelosi (there’s an insult) had the gall to utter the phrase “all lives matter,” which in the racist world of black liberals is the equivalent of saying the emperor has no clothes. As a result, as they so often do, liberals turning on one another like a pack of wild dogs.

Via The Root

Nancy Pelosi Banged Her “All Lives Matter” Drum Despite Being Given the Perfect Opportunity to Do Otherwise

If you cut your finger, the last thing you want to hear is how precious your other fingers are. It’s a pretty damn easy concept to grasp and yet here we are, still side-eyeing our alabaster compatriots because they’ve proven themselves incapable of not centering themselves.

Ha! Wait, wait, wait. We are incapable of not centering on OURSELVES? YOU are the ones saying that ONLY BLACK lives matter and throw temper tantrums if anyone says that all lives matter. How is that not self-centered of you? Project much? That’s a psychological term, shit for brains. It means, “Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.”

And to that point, our newly reelected Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was given the perfect opportunity to wrap a band-aid around her bleeding thumb and instead opted to stitch up her four other fingers.

During a televised town hall meeting at Trinity University on Friday that touched on a bevy of matters of political interest, a grenade was hurled her way when journalism student Shelly Ward congratulated her on her re-election then asked, “Do you support the Black Lives Matter movement?”

As has been proven time and time and time again, there’s only one correct answer: Yes. Anything else is grounds for either a kick in the shins or an indefinite suspension from the cookout.

And to the surprise of no one, guess which route Pelosi went?

“I support the recognition that black lives matter, for sure,” she calmly replied. “And I have incorporated that in many of my statements.”

Excellent answer, Nancy! Good sh—

“All lives matter,” she continued. “We really have to redress past grievances in terms of how we addressed the African-American community.”

Dammit, Nancy. Way to fuck that one u—

“I think that we’re all working together,” she proceeded, unable to remove her foot from her mouth. “Every part of our community, whether it’s the immigrant community, whether it’s the black community, whether it’s women’s community, and the rest. Not only matter, but rule.”

Sigh. How do you fumble the ball in the end zone?

Shelly looked less than thrilled with her answer and as you can expect, Twitter shared her displeasure:

“She actually said all lives matter, as if cops shot white rich people on a daily basis.”

Hey, dumbass. That’s because rich white people aren’t committing violent crimes. And are cops really shooting “poor blacks” on a daily basis? Let’s look at that. According to the Washington Post police killed 987 people in 2017 yet only 23% of those killed were black. So let’s do the math. Bear with me moron, I know this will be difficult for you. By my calculations, 23% of 987 is 227. That’s 227 worthless carcasses but since there are 365 days in the year, we can clearly see that blacks are not being killed “on a daily basis” by police. So you can take your original claim and pound it back up where it came from . . . your ass. Further, in that stinking pile of cadavers, how many of them were killed justifiably? The VAST majority. Are you saying cops should just stand by and allow criminals to kill them?

On a side note, I WISH cops were shooting black criminals on a daily basis because it would make it so much easier for me to find fodder for ‘Body Cam Theater’ instead of having to visit racist sites like The Root to find something to write about.

And by the way, imbecile . . . 47% of those corpses were white. That’s 463 white dead thug bodies. So really, it looks like police are shooting WHITE people on a daily basis, not black ones. Yet you don’t hear us crying “White Lives Matter,” do you? That’s because again, we know the overwhelming majority of them got what they deserved. You think about that for a moment, dolt.

“She couldn’t even give Black lives their own space w/out pandering 2 immigrants . . . ”

Wow. A liberal complaining that liberals pander to immigrants? And this is news to you how? I agree, that’s out of line. Let’s build a wall and keep those illegal immigrants out!

“Also discouraging is her garbled language about “past” black grievances.”

And what are you aggrieved about, Jamil? You’re a “senior writer at Rolling Stone. Sounds like a pretty sweet gig to me. How did you manage to break the chains of white oppression to land that job?

And of course:

” . . . that All lives Matter bs shows you haven’t paying attention to anything going on in Black America in the last 5 years.”

What has been going on in “Black America” for the last five years? Lately I see reduced unemployment . . . no, that can’t be what he’s talking about. Maybe it’s crime, resisting arrest, and rioting? Maybe stop doing that kind of thing in disproportionate numbers and you won’t get shot?

Just. Say. Yes.

Stop dousing your refrigerator with water if your stove is on fire.

Is it that damn hard?

Of course it is. What do you expect from a senile old hag that still thinks Bush is President?

Then from the comments section at The Root comes this gem . . .

. . . what appeared to be a moment of clarity from this person quickly degenerated into stupidity. It’s true, the democrats have never shown blacks any respect. They’ve kept you on their plantation all this time, and you continue to fall for the joke. And then there’s those damned Republicans . . . yeah, fuck them. What did they ever do for you except give you your freedom? Those motherfuckers.

And now I’m done defending Nancy. Back to our regularly scheduled programming . . .