REPORT: White House Already Planning For Ginsburg’s Replacement

There is a storm brewing on the horizon and I can hear thunder…

The mother of all meltdowns could be coming soon all signs are now pointing to yet another Supreme Court pick for President Trump.

And not just any pick, he is on the verge of replacing feminist icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Clinton appointee who has developed a cult following during her quarter of a century on the bench and whose health has taken a drastic turn for the worse over the last couple of months.

In December, liberals were rocked to their foundations when the news was revealed that RBG had cancerous tumors removed from her lungs but they certainly expected her to bounce back quickly to lead the anti-Trump resistance despite her 85-years and frail condition.

The reality is however not as pleasant after Ginsburg missed oral arguments for the first time in her esteemed career this week and according to a bombshell report, the White House is already in the planning stage of getting ready to find a replacement if she retires or otherwise moves on to her great reward.

Via Politico, “Trump White House urging allies to prepare for possible RBG departure”:

The White House is reaching out to political allies and conservative activist groups to prepare for an ailing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s possible death or departure from the Supreme Court — an event that would trigger the second bitter confirmation battle of President Donald Trump’s tenure.

The outreach began after Ginsburg, 85, on Monday missed oral arguments at the court for the first time in her 25 years on the bench. The justice, who was nominated to the court by President Bill Clinton in 1993, announced in late December that she underwent a surgical procedure to remove two cancerous growths from her lungs.

The White House “is taking the temperature on possible short-list candidates, reaching out to key stakeholders, and just making sure that people are informed on the process,” said a source familiar with those conversations, who spoke on background given the delicate nature of the subject. “They’re doing it very quietly, of course, because the idea is not to be opportunistic, but just to be prepared so we aren’t caught flat-footed.”

This news is going to set off a cavalcade of exploding heads on the political left and trigger bitter accusations that Trump is trying to push her into the grave but the reality is that RBG is a sick old woman and that’s life.

Judging by the extreme lengths that Democrats and their allies went to smear Brett Kavanaugh to prevent his confirmation, it’s going to be total war over filling Ginsburg’s seat when the time comes.