Trump Strikes Back: Cancels Pelosi’s Foreign Trip

This is too f*cking funny. Citing the government shutdown House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatened to cancel President Trump’s State of the Union Address, so he turned around and cancelled her foreign trip, also citing the shutdown. Naturally liberals who thought Pelosi was being courageous are outraged at the President, because that’s how being full of shit works.

Yesterday, this happened:

And today Trump struck back using Pelosi’s words against her:

Nobody out trolls the Prez.

Pelosi and a bunch of democrats were supposed to fly to Brussels and then Afghanistan for a photo op with our troops, but Trump, who is the Commander-in-Chief, won’t allow the military to be used for such an unimportant mission like this. The dems can still fly commercial if they pay for it themselves and find a carrier that goes into active war zones like Afghanistan.

What makes this truly hilarious is that the democrats were in a bus on the way to fly out when they were informed the trip was off. The Hill reports:

A group of House Democrats were sitting on a U.S. Air Force bus waiting to leave the Capitol grounds when the announcement was made and walked off after it became apparent the trip would not go forward, according to reports.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who had planned to go on the trip, said Democrats were set to reassure allies that “on a very bipartisan basis our commitment to NATO is strong,” amid reports that Trump is eyeing an exit from the alliance.

And while the liberal media loved that Pelosi cancelled the SOTU yesterday, today they were not amused by Trump cancelling the democrats’ unimportant trip. Nobody was hit harder than CNN’s Jim Acosta:

If anyone know about childish behavior it’s Jim Acosta.

Many on the left pointed out that Trump went to visit the troops during the shutdown like these things are equal:

Guess what? The President of the United States and the Speaker of the House are not equal and they have different authority as laid out by the separation of powers in the Constitution. The House Speaker gets to invite or disinvite the POTUS for the SOTU address and the President is charge of the military.

When it became apparent that Nancy Pelosi was going to regain the Speaker’s gavel, the liberal media did nothing but run fluff pieces about how smart and touch she is and she must have believed this bunk. She tried f*cking with Trump and he absolutely nuked her. She’s an amateur as well as being a senile old kook. Once again Trump wins and he’s going to come out on top in the shutdown fight too.