Aggrieved family members of young thug Tre’Shun Miller who shot and wounded a police officer on January 11, and was in turn deservedly killed by another officer, have been demanding to see this body cam footage for a week, seeking to make some cash from Tre’Shun’s carcass. You see, they claimed that the officer fired first and that, for some reason, makes it just fine and dandy that Tre’Shun fired back. But here’s what really happened.
Arlington Police Release ‘Relevant’ Body Cam Video After Deadly Officer Involved Shooting
Arlington police released dramatic dashcam and bodycam footage Thursday afternoon showing the shootout that left a man dead and an officer injured last Friday.
In the video, the officer can be seen making a traffic stop on the night of Jan. 11 and talking with the occupants of a vehicle stopped near Randol Mill and Fielder roads.
At one point the occupants are asked to exit the vehicle and that’s when 20-year-old Tre’Shun Miller can be seen breaking the grasp of an officer and running across the parking lot.
And just who was this fine young man, the one they called Tre’Shun? According to WFAA, he was a common criminal. “Miller had been charged in Arlington in 2017 with evading arrest, and court records show he had two court dates upcoming for marijuana possession and burglary of a habitation charges.”

Bodycam video from the two officers who chased Miller was then shown, first of the officer who fatally shot Miller and then of the officer injured in the chase.
Arlington Chief of Police Will Johnson said the video was being released in the spirit of transparency.
And here’s the video. Skip to 6:53 if you want to get to the action. Up until then, there’s a good deal of standing around while an officer questions the driver of the car. But definitely watch it all the way to the end from that point on because we get two perspectives from the two officers body cams as mentioned above.
Clearly, the thug fired first. And kudos to the officer who put this animal down. Firing on the move and an impressive reload . . . nicely done.
“I think it’s important for us to maintain a neutral position in terms of us being able to do a thorough investigation,” Johnson said. “We released this body camera and digital evidence at this point in time to address transparency questions within the community, but now we will let investigators complete the thoroughness of the report and subsequently present that for review by the criminal district attorney’s office.”
Earlier Thursday Miller’s family was given a private viewing of the video. The family requested to see the footage after those in the car with Miller said they saw him get shot, fall to the ground and then return fire — alleging the officer fired first.
“We have more questions, of course, but we are going to allow the APD to internally investigate this case and do what they get paid to do,” Moore said.
“Moore” being one Justin Moore. He’s the family’s attorney and just saw what he thought might be a big pay day get flushed down the toilet. I mean, what other questions could he possibly have? Tre’Shun fired first! He shot a cop! Just give it up, dude.
Police released a statement Monday, reiterated by Johnson on Thursday, that the police bodycam video showed their account is correct, that the officer returned fire.
“I think it’s pretty clear in the video who shot first, in terms of the sequence of firing, but we will also perform ballistic testing and receive ballistic reports from forensic investigators,” Johnson said Thursday. “I think it’s clear on the video that the suspect shot first.”
And there’s this . . .
Johnson added that there was no evidence that the wounded officer fired his weapon at all.
He didn’t fire his weapon and ended up in a heap on the ground. The only officer that fired any shots was the second one, and he didn’t fire until after the first officer was down. We all saw it.
Earlier this week Johnson tweeted photos of the duty belt his wounded officer wore. They show where a bullet pierced the belt before entering his body. The officer was released from the hospital Monday afternoon, but still has a bullet in his body that will have to be removed later.
Positive news: Our Officer has been released from the hospital. He has significant challenges ahead but for now he is home.
These are pics of his duty belt. The bullet went through his belt before entering his body. We are very lucky.
Then some virtue signaling liberal queerdo on Twitter had to chime in with this:
Now you’ve seen it, you disrespectful jagoff. The escalation began (like always) when an armed thug resisted arrest and ran, then he fired upon officers, wounding one, whereupon said thug got ventilated and died like the mangy dog that he was. There was no “murder” here, although there could have been if thug boy was a better shot, there was only a totally justified shooting. Take your “profiled traffic stop,” your “police murder blacks” narrative, the “resistance” hashtag on your Twitter account and pound them all up your fat pasty white liberal ass.
Any other questions, fuckstick?
God bless the officer who was hit. Hopefully his recovery will be quick.