GOP Gets Death Threat For Labeling Nazis As Leftists

The Nazis were fascists, which is a leftist ideology and they were socialists, which is another leftist ideology. It’s fair to say that the Nazis were leftists, unless you are the Harris County, Texas GOP, in which case you deserve to die. After labeling the Nazis leftists, which they clearly were, the county Republican organization received a death threat, which is another really leftist thing to happen. Speaking a truth that leftists don’t like is always met with violence and threats.

For Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Harris County Republican Party made a Facebook post that told it like it is. This post was eventually deleted, but here’s a screenshot:

“Leftism kills. In memory of the 6 million Jews lost to Nazi hatred in the name of National Socialism. We will never forget,” read the post.

Lefties got all worked up and accused the Harris County GOP of…I guess telling the truth. It’s unclear what the actual complaint here was because Nazis were leftists, and those Nazis leftists killed 6 million people in the Holocaust.

The Houston Chronicle dug up somebody from the Anti-Defamation League to bitch about this unwavering support of the Jewish people:

“The Holocaust should never be used for political purposes. It’s unfortunate that someone at the Harris County Republican Party thought that would be an appropriate message for Holocaust Remembrance Day. It wasn’t leftism that killed in the Holocaust. Anti-Semitism and blind hatred led to the deaths of millions,” said ADL spokesperson Dena Marks.

Yeah, but it was the anti-Semitism of a bunch of leftist Nazis that lead to millions of deaths. The Holocaust wasn’t the result of conservatives, democracy, or a representative republic. It was all leftist ideology.

The Harris County Republicans removed the post, but that wasn’t good enough for some leftists. Proving just how fascist leftists are, the GOP received a death threat, which was detailed in a subsequent Facebook post:

Seriously, can you think of anything more leftist that has ever happened? The Republican Party rightfully characterizes Nazis as leftists and the leftist response is: “we will kill you!”

The Harris County GOP communications director Vlad Davidiuk, clarified the sentiment behind the ordinal post:

“The Nazis identified themselves as National Socialists. The name of the party was the National Socialist Workers party. We don’t want a statement from us to be a distraction. However, that withstanding, history recognizes that the Jews were killed by the Nazis and the Nazis were officially the National Socialist Workers Party,” said Davidiuk.

Nazism is leftist, fascism is leftist, socialism is leftist and every other f*cked up “ism” is leftist. The left are violent totalitarians who want to control people’s behavior and kill anyone who disagrees with them. This incident in Texas proves all of this beyond a shadow of a doubt.