Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Monday is over but Tuesday still pretty much sucks doesn’t it Deplorables?

“Racist!” Is Not An Argument

By Andrew Klavan

Imagine a world in which the word racist — the whole concept of accusing people of being racist — was somehow banned. Everything would be different.

CNN’s Don Lemon would spend his entire show staring into the camera as silent as a piece of lawn furniture — a job for which he’s actually equipped.

Democratic politicians, when asked why they opposed a barrier on the border, would have to say something like, “Because Donald Trump said he’d build it and I hate, hate, hate him.”

Many people who don’t think so now would suddenly realize, why, that Trump fellow is actually a pretty darn good president, and has improved the economy and tidied the foreign policy mess left behind by his incompetent predecessor.

The New York Times — a former newspaper — would have to fire most of its Op-Ed columnists, forcing them to find jobs as Intellectual Non-Entities Blithering Nonsense (although of course they’d have to join the Los Angeles Teachers Union to land one of those).

But the biggest effect of banning the accusation of racism would be to force the Left to come up with arguments for their policies.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Left’s War Against White Males

By Jeannie DeAngelis

Just as community organizer Saul Alinsky, in his textbook for Marxist street thugs, Rules for Radicals, advised his minions, constant drumbeats have the potential to wear down resolve and win social and cultural wars. For years now, the object of left-wing pressure has been to undermine the status and reputation of straight white conservative males.

To eradicate the white guy problem in America, Caucasians with XY chromosomes, who self-identify as the sex they were at birth, are being portrayed by the left as misogynist, bigoted, homophobic, violent troublemakers in need of exposure; chastisement; and, in the case of Donald Trump, ousting from power.

Armed with the intent to undermine Trump’s influence and to establish the belief that conservative white males are genetically flawed, historical figures are being unfairly held to 21st-century cultural and political standards. Even Confederate General Robert E. Lee, tucked away in a grave since 1870, has not escaped retroactive ridicule from the left for his political identification and pale skin color.

Today, even a male Supreme Court justice nominee, if he is Christian, white, and pro-life, can be falsely accused of rape by an unstable female activist, flayed alive, and condemned in the court of public opinion by virtue of race, gender, and ethnic heritage.

Unwilling to let a visual opportunity go to waste, the left has somehow managed to influence public opinion concerning the political merits of pink versus red. According to progressives, on the head of a female, a pink p—- hat is a commendable accessory, while on the head of a male, a red MAGA cap is akin to Hester Prynne donning a scarlet letter or analogous to a white hood of the KKK.

Read the entire article HERE.

Rashida Tlaib’s Ties To Anti-Semitism Run Deeper Than Previously Known

Via The Daily Caller

Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s ties to anti-Semitism run deeper than previously known, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation found.

Tlaib, part of a heralded freshman class of House Democrats, has already come under scrutiny over her positions on Israel and ties to fringe figures. But TheDCNF’s investigation uncovered additional ties to anti-Semitism.

Tlaib is a member of the Facebook group “Palestinian American Congress,” where members often demonize Jews. The group’s founder, Palestinian activist Maher Abdel-qader, was a key fundraiser for Tlaib and organized campaign events for her around the country.

In January 2018, Abdel-qader shared an anti-Semitic video that claimed Jews aren’t actually Jewish, and invented their historical claim to Israel and secretly control the media.

The video, which described Jews as “satanic,” also questioned whether 6 million Jews actually died in the Holocaust.

“Research the truth about the Holocaust, and you’ll definitely start to question what you thought you knew,” the video’s narrator says.

Abdel-qader shared the video both on his personal Facebook page and within the group that now includes Tlaib.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Begin Eating Themselves Prepping For 2020

By Tom Luongo

Turning the mob on Bernie is exactly the same type of thinking that led to funding the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980’s.

It’s the same misguided planning that created ISIS to overthrow Assad. Use proxies to undermine your opponent. Accuse them of things patently untrue and raise suspicion of them and their motives.

Then create an army of radicalized, frothing-at-the-mouth, unthinking lunatics to do your bidding on the battlefield. It doesn’t matter whether its the Syrian desert or the digital ones of Twitter and Facebook. What matters is keeping people hating The Other with an intensity that defies reason and ensures that no outside information makes it through the filter of the cult.

Alinsky 101. And who is the chief Alinskyite of the DNC? Hillary Clinton.

Make no mistake that’s because Hillary still thinks she can win a rematch in 2020.

Still think Hillary isn’t running? So it’s just coincidence that days after Kamala Harris (D – Herself) announced her candidacy Willie Brown breaks his silence on their affair.

This is prima facia evidence that the Democrats’ crazy has jumped the shark, however. In their single-minded quest to beat Trump the Clintons and their allies do not see the damage they are doing to not only the institutions they think they deserve to control but also to their own feathered nests.

The problem here is the unintended consequences of unleashing forces you can’t control. Proxy wars (political or military) create knock-on effects that grow beyond you.

They take on lives of their own. This is especially true among leftists who have rejected all other forms of limits on their behavior. They have been encouraged, by people like Clinton, to view culture as despotic.

Read the entire article HERE.

Calif. board of trustees scraps Pledge of Allegiance over ‘white nationalism’ history

Via Campus Reform

The Santa Barbara City College Board of Trustees President says the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag is “steeped in expressions of nativism and white nationalism.”

In emails obtained exclusively by Campus Reform, the president of the SBCC Board of Trustees, Robert Miller, stated that he decided to “discontinue use of the Pledge of Allegiance” at board meetings because of its history.

Live stream videos of the board’s past several meetings show that the last time members recited the Pledge of Allegiance during a board meeting was Dec. 13. During the Jan. 10 live-streamed meeting, Miller noted at the beginning that it was his first meeting as president of the board. It was also the first meeting since a similar circumstance in summer 2018 that members did not recite the pledge.

“I decided to discontinue use of the Pledge of Allegiance for reasons related to its history and symbolism,” Miller said in an email to Celeste Barber, a former adjunct instructor at SBCC. “I have discovered that the Pledge of Allegiance has a history steeped in expressions of nativism and white nationalism.”

Read the entire article HERE.

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