Bernie Is Your Enemy: Venezuelans Warn America Of Socialism

For the first time since the rise of the so-called Resistance that is fueled on racial and class resentment, one man had the courage to say NO to the prospects that the United States would usher in the failed ideology of socialism as promoted by Comrade Bernie Sanders and taco bar revolutionary Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

That man is Donald J. Trump and in what may go down as his finest hour, the president used the nationally televised State Of The Union Address to draw the line against the imposition of socialism.

It was a towering moment reminiscent of Winston Churchill’s famous Iron Curtain speech in which he warned America of the dangers of the communists while the ashes of WW II were still smoldering and thanks to gross ignorance, a failed public education system and a lost generation of millennials weaned on participation trophies, the nation is perilously close to making a historical mistake.

As philosopher George Santayana once famously put it “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it” and piles of corpses along with victims of repression should be a stark warning of what happens when socialism is embraced.

One needs to only pay heed to the words of people who personally experienced the horrific collapse of Venezuela which not that long ago was being hailed as a utopia by Crazy Bernie and his legions of slavish devotees.

Cabot Phillips of Campus Reform interviewed many of those people in Washington D.C. in a video that is mandatory viewing.


Some good quotes from the video:

“Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever, ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists.”

“People are eating from trash bags in the streets.”

“In Venezuela, there is no food, no medicine, education. No, nothing, nothing.”

“We also thought that this could never happen in our country. We had a balance of powers, we had democracy, and we elected our leaders.”

America had better pay heed to the siren song of socialism before it’s too late!