Beta O’Dork And Kirsten Gilliblonde Are Ready To Tear Down Existing Walls On US/Mexico Border

When a democrat says nobody is coming for our guns that is quickly followed by a “but” and a  gun control proposal that would take away our guns. It stands to reason when a democrat like Nancy Pelosi says “nobody is for open borders” that is also qualified with a “but.” In this case the but (butts) are liberal rockstar Beto O’Rourke and dumb blonde Kirsten Gillibrand who have gone on record saying they would like to tear down all exiting walls and barriers along the US/Mexico border.

Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw, who is a total badass, posed a question to democrats who refused to fund Trump’s proposed border wall by asking if they don’t think walls work would they be willing to tear down all existing barriers on the border. O’Rourke was on MSNBC and the reporter presented this question to him.

“If you could, would take the war down now, here?” the reporter asked.

“Yes. Absolutely,” replied O’Rourke.

“Knock it down?” asked the reporter.

“I’d take the wall down,” said O’Rourke.

The reporter then asked O’Rourke if there was a referendum to tear down the wall, meaning Americans got to vote on the issue, does he think it would pass.

“I do,” said O’Rourke with his finger on the pulse of the country.

Somehow this got funnier. O’Rourke insists that walls don’t do anything to stop people from coming into this country illegally and that building them is a waste of money. Then he said this:

“We have built 600 miles of walls and fences…and what that has done is…it has pushed migrants and asylum seekers and refugees to the most inhospitable the most hostile stretches of the US/Mexico border, ensuring their suffering and death,” said O’Rourke.

So walls do work if illegal border crossers can’t get through them and must go to where no walls or fences exist. Why does O’Rourke insist that walls don’t work? Oh yeah, because he’s a democrat who wants this country flooded with future party voters.

Another democrat who is looking to shore up the illegal vote is Kirsten Gillibrand. In the dumbest blondest answer of all time, she was asked if she, like O’Rourke, supports tearing down the exiting walls on the border.

“Democrats are not afraid of national security or border security. Democrats have funded border security for decades so it’s not a matter of democrats not wanting to keep the country safe,” said Gillibrand.

Now here comes the big “but.”

“I could support it,” said Gillibrand of O’Rourke’s plan to dismantle all barriers along the US/Mexico border.

You got that? Democrats are all about border security “but” Kirsten Gillibrand would also entertain removing all walls and fences on the border. I know she’s kind of ditzy, but surely she has to understand that a border with no barriers is 100% unsecured.

It’s not shocking that democrats are for open borders, but it is a little surprising that they are finally admitting it out loud. They’re usually a lot more deceptive about their agenda, especially when they’re trying to trick people into voting for them. Open borders is not a winning platform, but perhaps O’Rourke, Gillibrand, and the democrats think if they can get rid of the walls on the border there will be enough illegal immigrants voting in 2020 to put a democrat in the White House.