Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

CRAP: That weekend was short!

CASE TO GO TO GRAND JURY … Doubt MAGA Comment Because Trump Folks Don’t Watch ‘Empire’


A grand jury will hear the Jussie Smollett case early next week … law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Law enforcement sources connected to the investigation tell TMZ, the 2 brothers who were arrested and then released are staying somewhere around the Loop in downtown Chicago under the watchful eye of police so no one gets to them. We’re told cops especially want to make sure Jussie does not contact the brothers…

We’re told when police raided the home of the 2 brothers they found magazines with pages torn out, and authorities are now trying to determine if the missing pages are connected to the threatening letter that was sent to Jussie 8 days before the alleged attack.

Our sources say early on they asked Jussie if he’d sign complaints against the 2 men who attacked him and he was clear that he would. But, when he found out the 2 brothers were the ones in custody we’re told he said he knew them, felt bad for them and declined to sign the complaints.

Our sources say although cops believe the brothers purchased the rope that was around Jussie’s neck after the incident, there is no surveillance video at the hardware store because it erases after a week.

We’re told the way they tracked the 2 brothers down was by their movements in arriving and leaving the scene around Jussie’s apartment building. As we reported, they left in either a cab or an Uber, but we’re told cops tracked the vehicle and the 2 brothers got out on their way home and into another vehicle. As one source put it, “It was almost like a bad spy movie.”

The sources say there were red flags from the get-go. Cops were extremely suspicious when Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video. Turns out the camera was pointing in the wrong direction. Cops thought it was weird he knew the location of that camera.

And, there’s this. We’re told investigators didn’t believe the 2 alleged attackers screamed, “This is MAGA country,” because, “Not a single Trump supporter watches ‘Empire.'”

Read the entire article HERE.

Is Jussie Smollett The Modern Tawana Brawley?

Via The Daily Caller

Multiple sources have told ABC7 in Chicago that police are investigating whether the attack on “Empire” TV star Jussie Smollett was staged.

Though a Chicago Police Department spokesperson said that claim is “unconfirmed,” two suspects have been arrested who were reportedly close with Smollett — appearing on the set of “Empire” with Smollett as well as recently working out at a gym with the openly-gay, African American star who claims that two men attacked him and screamed, “This is MAGA country!”

If the attack turns out to have been staged, it will be the biggest racially-motivated hoax since the Tawana Brawley case in the late 1980s.

A Fox Nation documentary titled, “Scandalous: The Mysterious Case of Tawana Brawley” chronicled an alleged racially-motivated attack against an African-American teen in New York in 1987. The teen claimed that she had been raped by a group of white men and was left with “racial slurs” scrawled all over her body. Brawley showed up at an emergency room with text written on her body including the words “KKK,” “n**ger” and “b**ch.”

The case served as a “springboard” for a young civil rights activist by the name of Reverend Al Sharpton, who led the charge of riling up the African-American community and assisting the teen and her family with the claims. The activism included marching in the streets of New York to demand “justice” for the alleged racially-motivated attack and high-profile press conferences to accuse members of the New York law enforcement community perpetrating the vile acts.

The story rocked New York and fanned the flames of racial tensions even beyond the Empire State.

Read the entire article HERE.

Ilhan Omar’s District Is ‘Terrorist Recruitment Capital Of The US,’ Report Says

Via The Daily Wire

Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District, represented by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D), is the terrorist recruitment capitol of the United States, according to FBI statistics.

FOX News reports that “more men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country.”

“FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined,” Fox News continued. “And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.”

As FOX notes, “the insular ethnic community in Minnesota offers a rich recruiting ground” for Islamic terrorism as the Somali population in the Minneapolis community — which is located in Omar’s district — is nearly 100,000.

“We are very conscious that there may still be fertile ground for that, and that is could re-start at any time,” one federal official told Fox News. “Based on historical experience, we had (an uptick) in 2007 and 2008 going for al-Shabab, then a lull. Then, as ISIS came back, we saw a whole bunch of people no longer headed for Somalia. They were headed for Iraq and Syria. That really caught us off-guard, we didn’t see that coming. It didn’t make sense to us. We understood why kids were going back to Somalia, but going to Syria was another we issue.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Canadian youth hockey team forfeits remainder of season over indigenous dancing video

An uproar in Fort McMurray, Alta., over a viral video that some considered racist has led to a minor hockey team forfeiting the remainder of its season because of safety concerns.

Parents of players on the Fort McMurray Midget ‘A’ Junior Oil Barons issued a statement this week strongly criticizing the “brash actions” of the Fort McMurray Minor Hockey Association after an online video surfaced last month showing young hockey players dancing to the song Electric Pow Wow Drum by A Tribe Called Red.

“The video showed a few team members, some of them Indigenous, engaging in a motivational dance,” the parents said in their statement, issued Wednesday. “This was not intended as a derogatory or racist act.”

The parents said they are telling their side of the story after “failed attempts” to come to a resolution with the minor hockey association.

On Jan. 21, hours after the video surfaced online, the association issued a media release saying it was “devastated” by the players’ actions in their “disrespectful” video.

Read the entire article HERE.

Colin Kaepernick Successfully Shakes Down the NFL

Via The American Thinker

On Friday, the NFL officially capitulated to washed up quarterback Colin Kaepernick and his social justice Gestapo, agreeing to settle Kaepernick’s alleged “collusion” case under confidential terms.

“The resolution of this matter is subject to a confidentiality agreement so there will be no further comment by any party,” the NFL said in a public statement, trying to keep its lack of backbone under the radar and out of the public eye.

The Associated Press speculated that Kaepernick made millions from the settlement, as did Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid, who also sued the league. “Considering the lost salary both players claimed and legal costs, the settlement could have climbed into the tens of millions,” the AP said in a recent article.

Kaepernick’s shakedown of the NFL is now complete. He’s not only gotten filthy rich off the NFL, but also managed to rewrite history, painting himself as a legitimate martyr of a legitimate cause — and an employable quarterback to boot.

Read the entire article HERE.

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