Tuesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables! Monday is in the past but it’s a long haul until Friday.

Do You Believe In The Deep State Now?

Via The American Conservative

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

That’s a natural reaction to the revelation of Andrew G. McCabe, the former deputy FBI director, that top Justice Department officials, alarmed by Donald Trump’s firing of former Bureau director James Comey, explored a plan to invoke the 25th Amendment and kick the duly elected president out of office.

According to New York Times reporters Adam Goldman and Matthew Haag, McCabe made the statement in an NBC 60 Minutes interview to be aired on Sunday. He also reportedly said that McCabe wanted the so-called Russia collusion investigation to go after Trump for obstructing justice in firing Comey and for any instances they could turn up of his working in behalf of Russia.

The idea of invoking the 25th Amendment was discussed, it seems, at two meetings on May 16, 2017. According to McCabe, top law enforcement officials pondered how they might recruit Vice President Pence and a majority of cabinet members to declare in writing, to the Senate’s president pro tempore and the House speaker, that the president was “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” That would be enough, under the 25th Amendment, to install the vice president as acting president, pushing aside Trump.

Read the entire article HERE.

Washington Post Editorial Board Assistant Desperately Wants Jussie Smollett Story to Be True

Via Newsbusters

Imagine being upset due to finding out that members of the Duke Lacrosse team did not, in fact, rape a woman? Or how about being sad at the revelation that a University of Virginia fraternity did not rape a co-ed? Bizarre, right? Well, a similar strange reaction was expressed by Washington Post Editorial Board assistant Nana Efua Mumford on Sunday due to her finding out that the alleged Jussie Smollett hate crime was probably a hoax.

Her broken-hearted deep sadness over the probable fact that racist, homophobic, white Trump supporters did not attack Smollett was revealed in “I doubted Jussie Smollett. It breaks my heart that I might be right”:

On Jan. 29, Jussie Smollett, who plays Jamal Lyon, the openly gay heir to the show’s hip-hop record label throne, was allegedly attacked in a baroque hate crime. He told police that his attackers immediately identified him as a gay actor from “Empire,” then proceeded to yell racial and homophobic slurs, shout “this is MAGA country,” pour an unknown chemical on him and place a noose around his neck. The story has since become even more complicated: The Chicago police questioned two Nigerian brothers, one of whom said that he played a small part on “Empire,” about their possible role in the attack. As of this writing, the department is seeking to interview Smollett again; he has hired a criminal defense attorney.

So you should be relieved that this example of the hate you thought was out there actually didn’t happen, right:

I wanted to believe Smollett. I really did. I know that there is a deep, dark racist history in Chicago and, if proved true, this would be just one more point on the list. I wanted to believe him with every fiber of my being, most of all because the consequences if he were lying were almost too awful to contemplate.

Please, please be true! I need for this hate crime to have happened in order to help validate my beliefs about white racist, homophobic Trump supporters!

Read the entire article HERE.

Censored: Facebook Bans Conservative Articles on Jussie Smollett Hate Hoax

Via PJ Media

Over the weekend, Facebook prevented people from sharing two conservative articles on the unraveling case of Empire star Jussie Smollett, which seems to be a hate hoax. Both Rod Dreher, author of The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, and Daily Caller reporter Jen Kerns saw their articles censored on Facebook.

“You are not allowed to say on Facebook that Jussie Smollett carried out a hate hoax,” Dreher tweeted on Sunday with a screenshot of Facebook blocking his article at The American Conservative.

According to the screenshot, Facebook blocked the article because it appeared to be “spam” and said the post “goes against our Community Standards.”

Read the entire article HERE.

The Neocon Revival

By Justin Raimondo

The upending of the political landscape by the Trump revolution has affected every political grouping and rearranged our politics in ways that are still revealing themselves. His populist America First views on foreign policy and international trade have split the GOP, opened up growing divisions among the Democrats, and even disrupted the ideological certitude of the libertarians.

There is one ideological group whose entire trajectory and partisan political allegiance has done a complete turnaround, and that is the neoconservatives.

Originating as a split from the Trotskyite movement, these extreme leftists moved from one end of the political spectrum, over the course of several years, to the other. Motivated by their hatred of Stalin and their abandonment of the old Communist Party, the neocons – as they came to be known – became the most vocally anti-Soviet faction and advocate of a military confrontation with Russia. Few in numbers but strategically placed, they constituted the staff of Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson and agitated constantly for increased military spending. While still ostensibly men of the left, they gradually abandoned the characteristic tics and attitudes of that tribe and focused on what they really cared about: foreign policy, and their obsession with destroying their old enemy, the Soviet Union.

They wormed their way into the Reagan administration and started taking over the major institutions of the conservative movement. When the Soviet Union began to fall apart, they declared it wasn’t happening, that the whole thing was a trap and that Reagan was a fool or a traitor (possibly both) for negotiating with Gorbachev.

The neocons’ glory days came in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, when they seized control of the Bush administration’s foreign policy, forged phony “evidence” of Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction,” and started a series of wars in the Middle East. Iraq was just the beginning.

Read the entire article HERE.

PBS Documentary on How “The Eugenics Crusade” Started in the U.S. – Not Nazi Germany

Via Blacklisted News

I’m not saying that the well-funded publicly promoted and celebrated American Eugenics Movement wasn’t covered in my high school American History class. But I feel like I’d remember learning about it. I still shudder when I think of about the book, The Scarlet Letter. It was only the last few years that remember seeing news coverage about states that once had laws allowing forced sterilizations. These were apparently part of the American Eugenics movement. Some people who were forcibly sterilized during that time period are being financially compensated.

This PBS documentary first aired last October.

I discovered it a couple weeks ago while channel surfing. My jaw dropped, stayed dropped, and I don’t know how many times I muttered, “Oh My God.” I ended up watching all of it because I couldn’t stop watching it. The United States was the first to publicly promote and champion Eugenics – not Nazi Germany. Wealthy, influential, and highly educated Americans were involved including John Harvey Kellogg (Kellogg Foods) and Margaret Sanger. Elected officials were obviously involved too.

The Nazis took from our playbook and then went even further. After World War II, they referenced the American Eugenics movement to defend themselves.

Read the entire article HERE.

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