Elizabeth Warren Supports Reparations For Slaves But Not Indians

This is weird. Elizabeth Warren supports reparations for the descendants of slaves, but not for Native Americans. Don’t all the victims of the Democratic Party’s racism deserve a little something? The Massachusetts Senator must finally be done with pretending to be an Indian princess and focusing on seeming less white now that she’s running for president. I can’t wait for that story about how her great grandmother was an African slave who eloped with her grandfather because their family was too racist to accept their love.

Here’s the dumbest thing today about Warren’s doomed-to-fail presidential campaign from The New York Times:

From the very first day of the 2020 presidential race, when Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts blamed “generations of discrimination” for black families earning far less than white households, Democratic hopefuls have broadly emphasized racial justice and closing the wealth gap in their policy platforms.

But in recent weeks, some candidates have started embracing specific goals and overtly race-conscious legislation that even the most left-wing elected officials stayed away from in recent years.

The article mentions that Kamala Harris thinks, “reparations for black Americans were necessary to address the legacies of slavery and discrimination.” Harris, a black woman, is struggling to connect with black voters, but “polar bear in a snowstorm” Elizabeth Warren has more ground to make up so, she’s down with the reparations big time:

Ms. Warren also said she supported reparations for black Americans impacted by slavery — a policy that experts say could cost several trillion dollars, and one that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and many top Democrats have not supported.

The Warren campaign declined to give further details on that backing…

Wow, several trillion dollars? Put reparations on top of Medicare For All, and a democrat winning in 2020 would bankrupt the country in the first week.

Also, notice how Warren supports reparations for black Americans impacted by slavery? This may be a liberal trick to get out of actually supporting this because no black American alive today was ever enslaved in this country.

This NYT article if filled with hilarity like this:

The morally driven policy goals of Ms. Harris and Ms. Warren reflect a broader shift in the importance of race and identity issues in the Democratic Party, according to several scholars and political leaders who focus on the intersection of race and politics.

Oh yeah, democrats playing identity politics is brand new to this election cycle. Did they forget about 8 years of Obama? The only thing democrats give any importance to is race and identity issues and that’s been going on since they figured out high taxes and low freedom were losing platforms.

Also, morally driven? The NYT describes taking trillions of dollars from people who never owned slaves and giving it to people who never were slaves as a moral policy? They might want to go look that word up.

“We must confront the dark history of slavery and government-sanctioned discrimination in this country that has had many consequences, including undermining the ability of black families to build wealth in America for generations. We need systemic, structural changes to address that,” said Warren.

Does confronting that dark history involve acknowledging that it was democrats who owned slaves and succeeded from the Union to preserve the institution? Does it include giving Republicans a high-five for ending slavery? Those are rhetorical questions because we know the answer is a big fat “no.”

Listen, I’m going to break from a lot of conservatives and say I fully support slave reparations. The only thing is, the democrats should pay it. They owned the slaves so they should pay. While they’re at it, the Democratic Party can cut checks for Indian genocide and putting Japanese Americans in internment camps.

So Elizabeth Warren supports slave reparations? Let her kick in a few bucks. She’s rich. Meanwhile, Native American tribes are like, “What about us? We knew you were full of shit, Fauxcahontas.”

Editor’s note: I wanted to include a picture of Elizabeth Warren with a black person for this article but couldn’t find one. Is it possible that in all her years, Warren has never actually met a black person?