Once again, a story has emerged that shows that many would rather join with the enemies of this great nation than supporting their own leader, instead choosing to side with the terrorists.
There is already a push from the political left and their media allies to manufacture another attack on President Trump over the plight of a young woman who was born in the United States but left to join up with the radical Islamic savages of ISIS back in 2014.
24-year-old Hoda Muthana is by many definitions a terrorist who hated America so much that she lied to her parents about going to college and instead used her tuition reimbursement money to go to Syria where she married and was knocked up by ISIS fanatics who were later killed.
During her adventures in the Middle East, Muthana used her social media accounts to promote violence against American troops and civilians, in particular missives like this one:
“Go on drive-bys and spill all of their blood, or rent a big truck and drive all over them. Veterans, Patriot, Memorial etc Day parades..go on drive by’s + spill all of their blood or rent a big truck n drive all over them. Kill them,”
Now she is begging to come back to America – claiming that she was radicalized and brainwashed on Twitter – but has quickly found out that things have changed since Barry O’Bama called the White House home.
President Trump made it very clear that she is no longer welcome here.
I have instructed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and he fully agrees, not to allow Hoda Muthana back into the Country!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 20, 2019
So Muthana’s father did what any liberal of the anti-Trump resistance would do – abused the court system to file a lawsuit against the president. As of today, there is no word as to whether California and the other Democrat-controlled states that have battled the election results in the courts will join him.
Hoda Muthana joined ISIS in 2014 after telling her parents she was going to Atlanta, as part of a field trip. https://t.co/gARUfPZFHo
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 22, 2019
Via USA Today, “ISIS bride Hoda Muthana’s family files lawsuit against Trump”:
The father of a woman who traveled from her home in Alabama to marry an Islamic State fighter filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s administration as part of an effort to get her and his 18-month-old grandson returned to the United States.
Lawyers acting for Ahmed Ali Muthana, a former diplomat at the United Nations for Yemen who is a naturalized U.S. citizen and lives in Alabama, argue in the lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington D.C. late Thursday that remarks by Trump and other senior White House officials claiming that Hoda Muthana, 24, is no longer a U.S. citizen – thus barring her and her son from re-entering the USA – are unconstitutional.
Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Attorney General William Barr are named as defendants in the case. Trump said Wednesday he had instructed Pompeo to deny Muthana re-entry. Pompeo said she was not a U.S. citizen and has no “legal basis” to be brought back to American soil from the Kurdish-run refugee camp in northern Syria where she is being held with her young son, named in the suit as John Doe Muthana.
Muthana joined the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, in 2014 after telling her parents she was going to Atlanta, Georgia, as part of a field trip connected with her business studies at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Instead, she withdrew from college and used her tuition reimbursement to purchase a plane ticket to Turkey, according to court documents.
The argument is being made that Muthana enjoys birthright citizenship as her father is a former Yemeni diplomat but due to a guideline from the US CItizen And Immigration Services, she would NOT be a citizen because of this specific language regarding the offspring of diplomats.
A person born in the United States to a foreign diplomatic officer accredited to the United States is not subject to the jurisdiction of United States law. Therefore, that person cannot be considered a U.S. citizen at birth under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo is adamant about Muthana’s status and correctly points out that she is a terrorist and the media has already taken sides.
Hoda Muthana's father filed a law suit so that Muthana, an "ISIS Bride" currently being kept in a detention center in Syria, can get her American passport back and return to the US, despite @SecPompeo saying that she is not welcome. @mitchellreports @RichardEngel @MSNBC pic.twitter.com/aiWzx1agZG
— On Assignment with Richard Engel (@OARichardEngel) February 22, 2019
It’s clear that liberals are itching for another showdown with Trump over the coddling of this anti-American terrorist and the battle lines have been drawn. It makes no difference to them that she has openly collaborated with the enemy and aided known terrorists.
Meanwhile, we are still waiting for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to weigh in.
So what say ye Deplorables?
Let her come back or give her a one-way ticket to Gitmo?