Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorabes! We’re at the halfway point between Monday and Friday.

Media Prove They Don’t Care About Violence Against Trump Supporters

By Donald Trump Jr.

Whenever I open my mouth about the outrageous bias of our national news media, liberal journalists always seem to jump at the opportunity to prove me right.

When I went on “Fox and Friends” Monday to talk about the Jussie Smollett hoax, for instance, I pointed out how ridiculous it was for the actor to claim he was attacked by two men in MAGA hats on the streets of Chicago. I made a joke about how no one wore MAGA hats in downtown Chicago because they would get shot in “two seconds.”

No one watching the segment could possibly have believed that I meant you would literally be shot if you wear a MAGA hat in Chicago, but that’s how the media—in an obvious bad faith effort to make me look bad—reported my words. It’s even more upsetting that these are the same partisan hacks who reported the implausible lies of Jussie Smollett as Gospel truth and called anyone who questioned their narrative “far-right extremists” or worse.

But the shameless misrepresentation of my words in the press, is emblematic of the blasé attitude most media outlets exhibit towards violence against my father’s voters.

There are enough examples from Chicago alone to illustrate the inexcusable double standards of the national news media. In early 2016, my dad’s campaign had to cancel a major rally for the first time ever after Black Lives Matter and other extremist groups indiscriminately attacked both supporters who were trying to get into the UIC Pavillion to see my father speak and the police officers who were assigned to protect them.

How did the media report this? “Violence breaks out at Trump rally.”

That sort of deceptive headline reflected the media’s pattern throughout the campaign, and the practice continues right up to this day. When there’s violence against Trump supporters because of their political beliefs, the media will ignore it until they can’t, and then they’ll downplay it. If that fails, they’ll just proclaim that the Trump supporters had it coming to them because of the “climate of hate” that their political views create.

Read the entire article HERE.

Preview of Michael Cohen Opening Statement, Worded for Maximum Political Damage…

By Sundance

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has worked closely with House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings to use President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen as the cornerstone to a carefully planned democrat impeachment effort.

Working collaboratively with the current U.S. Department of Justice, Speaker Pelosi organized a deferment of prison sentence for Mr. Cohen so he could testify to the House committees. Toward that end, and in fulfillment of his agreement to House Democrats via Lanny Davis, the opening statement of Michael Cohen is below (full pdf).

The 20 pages of toxic and disparaging opening remarks are specifically and carefully worded by Cohen and his political handler Lanny Davis to create maximum political damage. Together with personal documents (and recordings) Cohen will provide, this pre-planned effort is what U.S. media will use to assist their ideological allies in congress.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is waiting on the sidelines to deliver his report intended to bolster the Michael Cohen testimony. One of two reasons Mueller handed-off the investigative evidence against Cohen into the SDNY was to allow himself and Andrew Weissmann the appearance of being disconnected from the process. However, all of this is highly coordinated amid all of the participants. [The second reason was Team Mueller, the workforce behind the usurpation, have stronger allies in the SDNY system]

Depending on how well the media is able to exploit the damaging testimony from Cohen, Special Counsel Mueller will time his investigative report to AG William Barr.

The background battle between Pelosi/Schumer’s congress and Attorney General William Barr will be aided by the leverage Pelosi, Adam Schiff (HPSCI), Elijah Cummings (Oversight), and Jerry Nadler (Judiciary) are able to generate from Michael Cohen. That’s why Cohen’s public testimony was never optional.

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats’ ‘Anti-Lynching’ Law Makes a Mockery of Real Lynching Victims

Via The American Thinker

When most Americans think of lynching, they summon images of the horrific murders of American blacks, particularly in the years of the Jim Crow South. To describe such murders as “bias-motivated acts of terror,” as Cory Booker has, would certainly be accurate. “This bill,” Booker says, “will not undo the damage,” but it “will acknowledge the wrongs in our history. It will honor the memories of those brutally killed.”

So, when Senate Democrats offered their proposed new law, the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act of 2018, I had assumed that it would be a symbolic congressional action to recognize these injustices that took place and to honor the victims. Considering that the act passed the Senate unanimously, that’s likely what most senators also believed.

But that’s not what the act is, and that’s certainly not its intent. The real purpose of the act appears to be the legal redefining of the word “lynching” to include a include a much broader scope of lesser crimes, and to grow the federal government’s power to prosecute these lesser crimes that it includes in its new definition.

Read the entire article HERE.

AOC Is Not My Boss

Via PJ Media

Even the most eager proponents of the Green New Deal would have to admit that the rollout hasn’t gone too smoothly. First Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, NY congresswoman and de facto leader of the Democratic Party, put out a hilarious GND FAQ (archived here). It has all sorts of crazy nonsense she proposes to accomplish within the next 10 years, like “retrofit every building in America” and “get rid of farting cows and airplanes.” She’s promising everything but free unicorns for everybody.

Then, when everybody laughed at this ridiculous fantasy, AOC claimed that the FAQ was just a rough draft that was published by accident. Three weeks later, we still haven’t seen the final draft.

AOC, being the left’s answer to Trump, is stung by this criticism from those of us who refuse to pretend her lies make sense. So now she’s “clapping back” like the authoritarian she is.

Read the entire article HERE.

Oscars So ‘Embarrassing’: Winning Movies Not Woke Enough for Daily Beast

Via Newsbusters

Apparently last night’s Oscars weren’t woke enough for some devout lefties. Despite jokes at the expense of Donald Trump, several mentions of the plight of immigrants, and of course some race-baiting from director Spike Lee, Daily Beast writer Kevin Fallon claimed that the show “made the case for its own irrelevancy.”

Fallon was not happy with Best Picture winner Green Book, the feel good movie about a white driver/ bodyguard and African American musician developing a friendship through their professional relationship in the Jim Crow-era south. He wrote that “It is patronizingly glib and anodyne about those complicated issues, and engages in clichés with such gleeful confidence it’s almost as if the filmmakers had a checklist.” Well, so what? Can’t a movie just tell a story without the baggage of darkness and racial guilt that “speaks to our current racial tension?”

Blackkklansman and Black Panther were nominated for their political weight, and presumably Fallon would have been fine with either of them winning. But what if Green Book was actually a better movie than all the others? Doesn’t matter. Fallon thought it too white-splainy: “The optics of that are worse considering that the entire team behind the film, save for producer Octavia Spencer, is white.” Sounds a little racist of you there, man.

As far as Bohemian Rhapsody goes, it just wasn’t gay enough for a Daily Beast writer. Fallon wrote, “it leers at homosexuality, but purports to actually champion the LGBTQ community because it is bringing representation to the masses. That’s certainly a familiar fallacy.” Well, wouldn’t that be the point when delving into Freddie Mercury’s perspective on homosexuality in days when even he knew it wouldn’t be celebrated? But for Fallon, if the period drama isn’t doused in 2019 LGBTQ progressivism, it doesn’t deserve the success. The story of Freddie’s life, of which his hedonism was only one small part, be damned.

Read the entire article HERE.

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