President Trump’s Momentous CPAC Address: Open Thread

There’s just no other way to describe it than saying that President Trump was absolutely ON FIRE during his crowd-pleasing speech at the annual CPAC convention where he showed that the spirit of MAGA is still alive and well whether the establishment likes it or not.

Trump brought down the house at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD and from the moment when he strode to the stage until he wrapped up his EPIC two-hour speech, the audience cheered their president in this time of the grave existential threat to the nation: socialism.

The POTUS hit all the right notes, mocked loony, lying moonbat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist Green New Deal, called out shifty Schiff and dirty cop Bob Mueller’s investigations as “bullshit” and announced that he would be issuing an executive order to protect conservative speech on college campuses by threatening to withhold federal research funds if far-left fanatics continue to use intimidation tactics right out of the old Soviet Union to stifle dissent.

In a nutshell, it was vintage Trump.


What did you think of the speech? This is your time to weigh in Deplorables.