Friday Morning Breakfast For The Brain



Ilhan Omar And The Socialist Takeover Of The Democratic Party

Via The Washington Free Beacon

I have a new hobby. It’s collecting the excuses Democrats make for Ilhan Omar, the Minnesota Democratic congresswoman who has an unhealthy fixation on Jewish influence, Jewish money, and Jewish loyalty. Omar has said that Israel “hypnotized the world,” attributing Jews with the power of mind control in the service of manipulating public opinion. She’s said the only reason Congress supports Israel is Jewish campaign donations. Most recently, using the classic anti-Semitic trope of dual loyalty, she criticized supporters of Israel for having “allegiance to a foreign power.” A real treasure, Omar is. A typical freshman congresswoman sees her mission as—forgive the expression—bringing home the bacon for her district. Not Ilhan. Her project is to mainstream anti-Semitic rhetoric within the Democratic Party. Once upon a time, you’d have to visit the invaluable website of the Middle East Media Research Institute to hear such tripe. Now you just need to flip on C-SPAN.

And Democrats are powerless to stop it. They’re tripping over themselves, making rationalizations, dodging reality, and trying to clean up this anti-Semitic mess. Omar is new to this, they say. She never intended to come across as anti-Semitic. She can’t help it. “She comes from a different culture.” She didn’t know what she was saying—she’s a moron! She’s just trying to “start a conversation” about the policies of Israel’s government. And why are you singling her out, anyway. “She is living through a lot of pain.” She’s black, she’s a woman, and she’s Muslim. You can’t condemn her without also condemning white men of privilege. What are you, racist? Islamophobic? Shame on you for picking on this poor lady, who just happens to say that American Jews serve a foreign power by buying off politicians and using the Force to blinker people’s minds.

Read the entire article HERE.

Can Trump Stop the Invasion?

By Patrick J. Buchanan

With 328 million people here now, approaching twice the number as in 1960, how many more can we take in before government sinks under the weight of its beneficiaries?

And there is a larger issue.

If, as appears probable, President Trump is not going to be able to build his wall and all the security measures taken in this century have proved inadequate to stanch the invasion of America, how does the invasion end?

Or is this the endless invasion, where the future is decided on our 1,900-mile border with Mexico and we, as the last superpower, are a pitiful, helpless giant too morally paralyzed to stop it?

The resolution and determination of Third World peoples to come to America, even if they have to break our laws to get in and stay, is proven.

And if there is no matching national will to halt the invasion, and no truly effective means that would be acceptable to our elites, the migrants are never going to stop coming. And why should they?

Politically, this invasion means the inevitable death of the national Republican Party, as peoples of color, who vote 70-90 percent Democratic in presidential elections, become the new majority of 21st-century America.

The bell will toll for the Grand Old Party when Texas votes like California in some presidential election. That is game, set, match

Read the entire article HERE.

EXPOSED: Twitter’s Censorship Chief is Committed Far-Left Ideologue

Via Big League Politics

After receiving widespread backlash for conducting what was widely a softball interview with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on his platform, podcaster Joe Rogan had him back on his program along with his de-facto censorship commissar Vijaya Gadde to take hard questions from independent journalist Tim Pool.

While being grilled by Pool, Dorsey mostly deferred to Gadde, who attempted to portray herself as a responsible moderator of fair content on the platform.

She attempted to defend widespread Twitter censorship in response to ‘Learn to Code’ messages being sent to reviled corporate journalists after losing their jobs.

“There was a targeted campaign being organized off our platform to abuse and harass these journalists,” Gadde said.

“That’s not true,” Pool struck back. “See, here’s the thing. An activist who works for NBC wrote that story and then lobbied you. You issued an official statement, and then even the editor-in-chief of the Daily Caller got a suspension for tweeting ‘Learn to Code’ at the Daily Show.”

After Gadde played dumb, Pool corrected the record and explained how Twitter operates their censorship program at the behest of radical leftist activists in the mainstream media.

“They report it. The narrative goes far and wide amongst your circles,” Pool explained. “Then all of a sudden you are seeing high-profile conservatives tweeting a joke getting suspensions.”

Gadde refused to give an honest answer, and defaulted back to her public relations NPC stock response of whining about “death threats, wishes of harm [and] other coded language.”

However, the facade of Gadde being a naive but well-intentioned observer crumbles to pieces after a quick examination of her own Twitter profile shows that she follows a who’s who of anti-American leftist thought controllers.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Democrats Cannot Hide Their Anti-Semitism Problem

Via The American Thinker

The Democrats will not produce a meaningful resolution denouncing anti-Semitism. The vile hater, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, will not be named. Her position on the powerful Foreign Relations Committee will be as secure as ever. The resolution will dilute anti-Semitism by conveniently placing it among other hatreds.

Such duplicity is reminiscent of the New York Times burying the Holocaust in the back pages.

They covered it, just not where you could see it. The Times, like the Roosevelt administration and the British Foreign Office, knew of the Holocaust since 1942 and chose to ignore it.

The Democratic Party has once again abandoned the Jews. The Jews, however, refuse to abandon the Democratic Party.

I grew up in a Democratic home in Chicago where Franklin Roosevelt was revered as if he were some form of deity.

Little did my parents and grandparents know the Roosevelt’s State Department worked tirelessly with the British Foreign Office to obstruct and delay the rescue of European Jews so that Hitler could continue to kill them as the clock ran out and, consequently, eliminate the problem. Like today’s Democrats, they created mechanisms to give the symbolic appearance of being concerned about the plight of the Jews while doing nothing until the last days of the war.

Read the entire article HERE.

Forced Blood Draws & Implied Consent Laws Make a Mockery of the Fourth Amendment

By John W. Whitehead

The Fourth Amendment has been on life support for a long time.

Our freedoms—especially the Fourth Amendment—continue to be strangulated by a prevailing view among government bureaucrats that they have the right to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.

Forced cavity searches, forced colonoscopies, forced blood draws, forced breath-alcohol tests, forced DNA extractions, forced eye scans, forced inclusion in biometric databases: these are just a few ways in which Americans are being forced to accept that we have no control over our bodies, our lives and our property, especially when it comes to interactions with the government.

Worse, on a daily basis, Americans are being made to relinquish the most intimate details of who we are—our biological makeup, our genetic blueprints, and our biometrics (facial characteristics and structure, fingerprints, iris scans, etc.)—in order to clear the nearly insurmountable hurdle that increasingly defines life in the United States: we are now guilty until proven innocent.

Such is life in America today that individuals are being threatened with arrest and carted off to jail for the least hint of noncompliance, homes are being raided by police under the slightest pretext, property is being seized on the slightest hint of suspicious activity, and roadside police stops have devolved into government-sanctioned exercises in humiliation and degradation with a complete disregard for privacy and human dignity.

Read the entire article HERE.

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