Unhinged Trump Hater Kathy Griffin Whines That Ageism And Sexism Have Derailed Her Career

In the latest episode of “Celebrities Whining Like Little Bitches” the unhinged Kathy Griffin continues to blame everybody but herself over her flagging career.

The unfunny comedienne’s fortunes took a turn for the worst after images of her hoisting a bloody replica of President Trump’s severed head went viral and ignited a firestorm that resulted in friends and employers running from her like she had the Ebola virus.

She even lost the one legit gig that she had when Trump-hating propaganda network CNN dropped her from her spot on the network’s New Years Eve countdown show with co-host Anderson Cooper.

It wasn’t only that the images were comparable to ISIS recruiting material but the defiant way in which Griffin handled the fallout which was to triple-down on trashing Trump and the vulgar 58-year-old has never stopped.

The capper?

How about when she led a Twitter lynch mob to dox the wrongly accused students of Covington Catholic after the infamous fake news story that they bullied a Native American elder at the Lincoln Memorial during the March For Life in January.

But it’s not that she is an out of control, washed-up psycho bitch that has landed her career in the toilet but rather that she is the VICTIM of ageism and sexism.

Via Newsbusters, “Kathy Griffin’s New Excuse: Sexism and ‘Ageism’”:

It’s been about six months since Kathy Griffin’s last epic plea for attention. It must be time for her publicists (how’s that for a thankless job?) to their earn their retainer again. Everyone’s heard ad nauseam how she was blacklisted after her severed Trump head stunt. The world is hip to her story about Trump loosing government agents on her. And there may even be those who believe, all evidence to the contrary, that she’s funny and likable enough to have survived her attempted career suicide-by-OrangeMan.

Now Variety is earnestly indulging Griffin’s latest rationale for her unpopularity: society’s sexist, age-ist ways.

“I feel I feel a lot of this is because I’m a 58-year-old woman. I’m a successful stand-up comedian, which flies in the face of everything Trump and his folks believe.” Sure thing, Kathy. What would a tyrant be without his hatred for older career women? “My impression is they’re just offended by the audacity that I want to continue to work and be successful and I’m a self-made woman.”

The left never stops playing the victim card and before all is said and done, Griffin won’t be the only celeb whose career has crashed due to Trump Derangement Syndrome – just wait and see.