Another thug got ventilated by a police officer back in December and after demands from his family and the NAACP the Port Arthur police have now released the body cam for our enjoyment. Invoking the popular moniker of another carcass, Michael Brown, this carcass, Shayne Lyons, has been described by his brother as “”. . . nothing but a gentle giant and he was very passive person,” said Molo. However, gentle giants do not walk down the middle of the street carrying machetes in a menacing manner while high on PCP. But if he wasn’t passive then he certainly is now.
Port Arthur Police release video showing officer fatally shooting man with machete in 2018
BEAUMONT, Texas — The City of Port Arthur has released body camera and in-car video of the fatal 2018 officer-involved shooting of a Port Arthur man.
A Jefferson County grand jury decided in February to take no action against the Port Arthur police officer involved in the shooting.
The family of Shayne Lyons, 35, who was killed December 28, 2018, viewed the videos Wednesday night.

The officer attempted to stop and detain Lyons, who was walking in the roadway and carrying a large weapon, according to a Port Arthur Police Department previous news release.
Family and friends had organized a protest unless the Port Arthur Police Department agreed to release the footage of the shooting.
I had a hard time finding a video of this that didn’t either cut off at the moment of truth or black it out entirely. This was the best one I could find. At least we get to see two of the eight shots the officer fired.
The family of Lyons’ says the video didn’t give them any closure.
They now have doubts in the system.
Which to me means a civil suit is coming. Hopefully they’ll be stupid enough to use the thug’s brother as their lawyer because . . .
“Why wasn’t there some other form of weapon used like a taser for instance,” said Andre Molo, Lyons’ brother. “You jumped out of a vehicle as fast as you can with a weapon, a drawn weapon. Why did you not jump out with your taser?”
Because machetes are lethal and tasers are not. All these profound questions from a man so wise that he also referred to the officer’s semi-automatic weapon as a “service revolver” in another video.
I have some questions of my own. Why was your brother walking down the middle of the street in what appears to be his pajamas with a fucking machete in his hand? Why was he high on PCP? Why did he have a pack of cigarettes that tested positive for PCP in his pocket? Why didn’t he obey the officers commands and drop the weapon? Why would the officer take a chance of merely tasing this asshole when the gentle giant had drawn well within range to use the lethal weapon against him?
Lessons learned:
Obey police officer’s commands.
Don’t smoke PCP.
And don’t bring a machete to a gunfight.