Judge Jeanine Tears ‘Stupid’ Pelosi A New Orifice Over Appeasement Of Anti-Semites

As Clint Eastwood’s classic character in The Outlaw Josey Wales so famously put it: sometimes you have to get plumb mad-dog mean…

But when you are dealing with anti-American socialist scum, I personally believe that you have to get plumb mad-dog motherfucking MEAN!

Judge Jeanine Pirro dropped the gavel on Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the disgraceful surrender to the extremists in the Democratic party by watering down the resolution to formally condemn Rep. Ilhan Omar over her latest anti-Semitic diatribe.

As one of Pelosi’s prized freshman women, Omar has been given wide latitude to promote the poison of anti-Semitism within party ranks and the disgraceful changing of the language of the rebuke in order to placate the revolutionaries in the ranks marks a new low for both the babbling House leader as well as a party that no longer even remotely resembles what it was only a few short years ago.

Despite rumblings from Jewish members of Congress over the coddling of the Israel-hating Omar and her ilk, Pelosi was quick to side with the bigots or as Judge Jeanine puts in her own inimitable way she took a flamethrower to Pelosi who she blasted as “stupid” for appeasing the worst elements of society that have been welcomed by Dems with open arms.

Pirro’s latest EPIC blast aired on Saturday’s “Justice With Judge Jeanine” on Fox during the opening statement.


Transcript excerpt:

So let me get this straight. She and her family flee war-torn Somalia where 500,000 are killed during a civil war. Then sent to a refugee camp in Kenya for four years. They are then re-settled by our government in Virginia to enjoy the cornucopia of rights, privileges, and benefits the United States offers. The she is Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who represents Minnesota’s fifth congressional district, in Congress only about two months. But she’s gotten attention far beyond Washington for her anti-Semitism.

“And as the Democrats scramble to forgive, rationalize and give a pass to a freshman in Congress, the joke is on you, Nancy. You appeased rising anti-Semitism inside the Democrat party. Let me say that again. You and the whole gang running for president in the Democratic primary in 2020 have appeased the rise of anti-Semitism in the Democrat party.

The sad part is that all this is contrary to the tenets of your party, which is so receptive to the LGBTQ community, illegal immigrants, refugees and on and on. This is not who your party is. Your party is not anti-Israel, she is.

Think about this. She is not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democrat party. So if it’s not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from? Think about it. Omar wears a hijab, which according to the Quran, tells women to cover so they won’t get molested.

Is her adherence to this Islamist doctrine indicative of her adherence to sharia law which is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution? Jews have been persecuted from almost the beginning of time. And now we are witnessing the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, where incidents are up 74% in the last year alone in France. Where Jewish cemeteries are regularly desecrated with swastikas. And people use the common tropes of Jews with too much money and influence.

We all know how it starts. Hate is hate. Hate leads to violence. And violence leads to retaliation which then leads to unrest and worse. Yes, Nancy, it’s all about hating Israel to promote the cause of Palestine. President Trump was right when he said the Democrat party is now the anti-Israel party.

And don’t forget, Nancy, history has proven over and over, when you appease anti-semitic sentiments, the worse happens. And in your case, Nancy, the danger for you is that your appeasing this behavior will lead to your removal as speaker and the Democrats now controlled by socialists and January anti-semites will lose the presidency in 2020”

This is a real problem for the Democrats and the rapid response led by Clinton lickspittle David Brock’s slime den Media Matters and other dishonest outlets who are attacking Pirro over her mention of Omar’s hijab – a ten-second snippet of a nine-minute monologue.

When the smear machine roars into action like this, it is a good sign that the growing acceptance anti-Semitism by the leaderless Democratic party could lead to an electoral catastrophe next November as Americans turn out in huge numbers to reject this sort of disgusting anti-American hatred.