Another tolerant liberal had a violent reaction to the site of a MAGA hat. Not since the Nazis appropriated the swastika for their symbol has an inanimate object inspired so much hatred. The mere sight of it pushes them to the brink of criminal insanity. Why? I guess liberals just don’t want to make America great again. They’d rather it revert back to the ruin of the Obama era or, if the new crop of “progressives” get their way, they’d replace the Stars and Stripes entirely and run the hammer and sickle up the flag pole. This type of misbehavior has increasingly been inflicted on school children. And here, yet another child has felt the sting of a hate-filled liberal for supporting our President.
Florida School Bus Aide Apologizes for Removing Trump Hat from Student’s Head
A Florida bus aide has apologized after a school bus surveillance video captured her demanding that a middle school student remove his MAGA hat last week. When the student did not comply with her demand, the aide physically removed the hat from the 14-year-old student’s head.
A Martin County, Florida bus aide has apologized in a written statement after she was caught on video yelling at 14-year-old Hidden Oaks Middle School student Gunnar Johansson last week, demanding that the student take off his hat, which had “Trump” written on it in big letters at the top, with the words, “Make America Great Again” written underneath the president’s name.
LISTEN TO THIS: A Martin County school bus aide is under investigation for yelling at a student then grabbing his #Trump #MAGA hat off of his head for 'hat day' at school. The school does not have clear policies against wearing political attire. @WPTV
— Meghan McRoberts (@MeghanWPTV) March 8, 2019
When Johansson did not comply with her demand, the bus aide physically removed the hat from the student’s head. Johansson kept his hat off for the remainder of the bus ride, while other students wearing hats were allowed to keep their hats on, as students were allowed to wear hats to school that day if they made a donation to March of Dimes.
“We were able to confirm that the hat was removed from the child,” said Martin County Lieutenant Ryan Grimsdale to WPTV. The Martin County Sheriff’s Office opened an investigation into whether or not the bus aide has committed a crime.
She has. I believe it’s called battery. I went to a legal site,, and found this. “Rude and offensive behavior can lead to battery charges, even if the defendant merely threw a drink in the victim’s face, or if they knocked a hat off their head. These days, any type of offensive behavior can result in criminal penalties. It is not necessary for the victim to have a bruise, or scratch after the altercation. As long as the rude, offensive or unwanted contact took place, it is enough for battery charges to be charged against the individual.” So let’s arrest this America hating twat!
The bus aide has since issued a written statement with the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, explaining her side of the story and apologizing to the student.

“Gunnar got on the bus he had on a Trump hat I asked him to take it off he found it to be a joke,” began the bus aide in her written apology, “I guess it was hat day we did not know I asked him numerous times to take it off.”
“So when he got to the back of the bus I asked him again he laughed so I gently took it off his head and told him to put it in his backpack and that was it,” continued the aide, “I do not have a problem with Gunnar we have always gotten alone I am sorry for what I did and I hope he forgives me. I overreacted and I apology.”
My God, mother of lords! That’s not a statement. It’s an enormous run-on sentence that looks like it was dictated to a chicken with a ball point pen by an underachieving 5th grader. There’s absolutely no sign of punctuation to be found. My favorite part is “I apology.” And they allow this simpleton to supervise children? She IS a child herself. However, the letter is an excellent example of the intelligence level of the average democrat.
The student said that the bus aide had “threatened him with a referral” and “threatened to turn the bus around” if he did not comply with her demand — a bizarre request, considering the hat did not have anything inappropriate written on it, as it simply displayed the name of the sitting President of the United States and his 2016 campaign slogan.
Johansson’s mother told local media that she was proud of her son for how he handled the incident.
Unfortunately, incidents in which adults reprimand or punish young students for wearing attire in support of the United States president are not isolated to just one school.
An Arizona high school is currently under scrutiny by parents, community members, and even a state legislator after several students said they were punished for bringing “MAGA” items to school for “USA Day.”
In February, a California high school student was banned from wearing her MAGA hat campus, and last week, a viral video circulated on social media showing a Virginia high school student wearing a MAGA flag as a cape while a teacher’s assistant appeared to wrap the flag around the student’s neck.
I find this all so ironic. Libs call us intolerant, violent, deplorables, and that old chestnut, “Nazis.” Where I work I often see libtard feminists wearing pink pussy hats after they’ve marched in one of their anti-Trump parades. I see people wearing anti-Trump shirts and pins. I still see old “Feel the Bern” and “Obama/Biden” bumper stickers on cars. I hate all that shit, but I have never once said a negative word to any of them, let alone tried to remove their clothing because of it.
Oh, I came close once. There’s an annual Halloween parade in a pathetically liberal city near me. In 2016 my wife wanted to go so I acquiesced to her request. Of course, I dressed as a pirate. Part of my costume was an actual honest to God cutlass. It drew some suspicious looks from the local law enforcement officers, but nothing more. Anyway, when we parked in the residential neighborhood, the residents yards were covered with “I’m With Her!” and “Black Lives Matter!” signs (which is ironic because the city is about 2% black). I felt anger stir within me and drew my cutlass, wanting to hack down the offending signage. But I didn’t do it. I sheathed my sword and grumbled a bit. It made for some good laughs between me and my wife but their signs remained standing.
As much as we all hated Obama, I never once recall anyone ripping a “Hope” shirt off of someone’s body during his reign or anything of the sort. Yet this anti-MAGA crap happens all the time. And this is just one of the less violent episodes. And bullying children? That is just lame. Now you tell me, who are REALLY the tolerant ones?