Media Vultures Pick At Still Warm Corpses To Blame Killing Spree On Trump

Democrats were able to change the subject from their own dismal failures when they lucked onto a mass murder of Muslims that they can exploit for political gain.

Despite the entire civilized world still being in shock and mourning over the killing spree by a deranged terrorist who opened fire on worshippers at two New Zealand mosques, the vultures in sick anti-Trump were busily picking at the corpses of the victims while the bodies were still warm.

Not only did the insane perpetrator of the evil killing spree live-stream his horrific acts on Facebook (WTF Zuck?) as he cold-bloodedly executed 49 innocent human beings while they worshipped but his rambling manifesto stated that his intent was to start an American civil war by provoking liberals into pushing Draconian new gun laws.

The man was completely insane and his monstrous acts should never be rewarded with giving him exactly what he wanted which as media attention but that was exactly what has happened now that the sociopaths in the mainstream media have quickly moved in to blame it all on President Trump.

This despite the POTUS being quick to express his condolences for the victims of this unthinkable act of violence.

Hey, it’s the old Rahm Emanuel maxim of never letting a really good crisis “go to waste” along with the sad industry gospel of “if it bleeds, it leads” combined into one.

Can it really get any sicker than this?


It’s one thing when the ghouls at CNN and NBC are exploiting the tragedy but quite another when leading Democrats like Senator Richard “Da Nang Dick” Blumenthal are politicizing it but hey, the guy already got a free pass for lying about his Vietnam service so his lack of shame is well-established.

Conservative blog LifeZette sums it up in the piece “Media and Dems Rush to Blame Trump for Horrific New Zealand Shooting That Targeted Muslims”:

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) actually blamed Trump’s rhetoric for the shooting during an interview on CNN.

“Words do have consequences, and we know that at the very pinnacle of power in our own country, people are talking about ‘good people on both sides,’” Blumenthal said, referring to Trump’s controversial comments following the violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in the summer of 2017.

“I think it’s more than the president. It’s the people who enable him, and who fail to stand up to him and speak out,” Blumenthal said. “I think that the public discourse from the president on down is a factor in some of these actions.”

NBC News national security analyst Ned Price claimed on MSNBC that “the tragic reality is that President Trump, whether intentionally, or I think in a lot of cases even inadvertently, has provided a lot of fodder for people like this.”

“This was the same president who praised ‘good people on both sides’ in the aftermath of Charlottesville,” Price continued. “So this is a president who has given plenty of rhetorical ammunition I think to terrorists like this, terrorists and extremists who are looking for fuel for their motivation.”

CNN anchor John Berman also tried multiple times to get Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Iowa) to pin part of the blame on Trump.

“You asked for God to change people’s hearts … I have a question for you. Does God need to change people’s language?” Berman asked. “And I ask you that because this killer apparently in a screed, some people call it a manifesto, said he is a supporter of President Trump as a symbol of white identity.”

Once again, the media shows that they are completely bereft of dignity and while they didn’t actually pull the trigger in Christchurch, their disgusting exploitation of the victims and their mourning families could cause some to wonder whether they are perversely putting their own seal of approval on the demented killer as long as his murderous acts serve their own agenda.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?